44. Please Sherlock, Please.

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"I'm always going to love you." I said to Miles' gravestone. Tears were rolling off my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away. "You were everything to me, even if I didn't show it sometimes. We've been best friends all our lives and I'll never forget you. I hope that you're happy. You should be because I know you're in heaven right now. God needed another angel and he picked the best one. I hope he's keeping you safe up there until I come home to you. I- I have a- a brain tumour and I might not make it. So I may be to you sooner than you think. You are the reason that I can accept I may die because I know I'll be with you. I miss you so so much. A lot of this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gone with him in the first place. But just know that I'll always love you. And I'll see you again someday in the clouds." I put a rose on his grave and kissed my hand and placed it on his gravestone. "I love you Miles." I whispered before leaving.



It was the day before my operation and I was on my way to see Sherlock. It was about 8 o'clock in the evening but I needed to see him.

I knocked on the door and Mrs Hudson smiled and let me inside. I walked upstairs to find Sherlock lying on the sofa with his eyes clsoed. He didn't notice me so I coughed. "Go away John. I've told you I'm not in the mood." He mumbled. I walked closer to him and looked at his face. The way his cheekbones were so defined and his nose perfectly moulded. His lips were begging me to kiss them and his hair was perfection.

"Not John." I said smiling. Sherlock opened his eyes and frowned.

"Jennifer?" He stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Hello Sherlock." I said hugging him tighter. He pulled away slightly and looked down at me. His happy face soon turned sad and I knew why.

"I'll be okay Sherlock. Whatever happens." I said.

"I realise now that I love you, truly and honestly. Its not a game anymore, I'm not confused, I want you and only you. You are going to be okay. I will make sure of it." He said before kissing my forehead.

"I feel the same way Sherlock." I said. Sherlock looked me right in the eye and I suddenly kissed his soft lips and enjoyed it while it lasted.

"God I have...missed this." I said between kisses. I pulled away and took Sherlocks hand escorting him to his bedroom. He stopped halfway and said, "Wait. Jennifer you-"

"Please Sherlock. Please, if it's my last day living on earth than I want nothing more than to spend the night with you. I know you want this as much as I do. I'm seventeen now, I'm practically an adult." I said. He was easily convinced and he was the one leading me to his bedroom. He shut the door behind me and I was pulled onto his lap as he sat on his bed. He kissed me hard and I returned the favour. His hands held my waist firmly and his touch was making me insane. I began to undo his buttons on his shirt and I pushed his shirt off his shoulders. I let my hands explore his torso and he shivered. "What?" I laughed.

"Y-you Jennifer. Your touch is driving me insane." He said kissing me again.

"Likewise" I said as he pulled away. He pulled my top off of me and studied me carefully. I felt myself beginning to blush and I quickly kissed him so he wouldn't be too distracted.

"My hands moved to his trousers and I undid them quickly. Sherlock did the same to me and we both stood up ad took them off. Sherlock pushed me backwards so I was lying in the bed and he got over me. He kissed my neck which caused a Mon to escape my mouth. He smirked against my jawline and continued to kiss my jawline.

"Are you sure you're ready? If you want to stop just tell me." He said.

"Never." I said kissing him harder this time. His hands held my waist and moved down to my thighs. He then pulled off my underwear and soon enough he slowly entered me. I wasn't used to this. Not at all. But my god was this the best time of my life so far. I was in complete heaven, well I always am when I'm with Sherlock .

He began slow but soon picked up the pace. His breathing was fast and his kissed me firmly against my lips. My hands made their way up his back into his hair. Soon we both reached our climaxes and Sherlock kissed me once last time. I smiled at him and he smield back.

I honestly didn't care who or how old he was. He was Sherlock. My Sherlock.

And that night I fell asleep in his arms and I knew that this is exactly where I wanted to be and how I wanted to be for the rest of my life...

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now