10. Strangers Are Never A Good Thing

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I followed Sherlock out of St. Bart's, my lips were still tingling and I touched them slightly.

Sherlock had finished n the phone and he stood outside waiting for me. "Finished dawdling?" He asked stopping a taxi.

"I'm- uh- I-" I struggled to find words.

"Come on Jennifer." He said sternly as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the taxi. "221B Baker Street." Sherlock said.

I stared out the window and tried to distract myself from him. I need to stop this right now. This can't happen again. I'll tell him. Once we arrive at 221B Baker Street, I will tell him.

Soon enough we did arrive. I followed Sherlock up the stairs into his flat.

"Where's John?" I asked.

"He had to go out with Mary." Sherlock said putting his new lightbulb into his microscope.

I checked my phone and found a message from an unknown number. I opened the message and it said:

Uh-oh. Looks like we've got a cheat on our hands. What would your poor boyfriend think of this?

There was a file attached and it was a picture of Sherlock and I in the hospital when he kissed me.

I gasped. What is going on? How the hell did this happen?

"What's wrong." Sherlock said walking over to me. I quickly put my phone in my pocket.

"N-nothing. It's f-fine." I said shakily.

"Sure?" he asked. I nodded. He stepped closer to me and lifted a finger to my lips. He brushed over them ever so slightly and caused me to shudder. I hated how he has this effect on me. But he obviously loved it because the grin on his face was not letting up. I couldn't move. I wanted to but I just couldn't get myself to move. He moved his finger down from my temple to my chin and he grabbed my chin and lifted my head up softly. I swallowed and he leant down to kiss me. His lips reached mine but before they touched he paused. He remembered something and stepped away from me.

"Sherlock? What's the matter?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Ahem, I, er, just thought I need to do something. Sorry." He said before walking into his bedroom and closing the door.

Sherlock's POV

How can I do this to her? I don't love her, not really. But I can't help myself.

It's Irene. She's always popping into my head and ever since she left there isn't a day that goes by when I haven't thought about her.

Jennifer,she's just- I don't know, an experiment?

Oh I don't know anymore. I don't know why she means to me. She should probably stay away from me. She's find out sooner or later about Irene if I carry on and she'd be hurt by it. I mustn't carry on.

I have to stop.

Jennifer's POV

I sat on the sofa and waited for a text back from the mysterious number.

Sherlock suddenly came into the room and stared at me. "Yes?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. But I didn't mean to kiss you. It meant- nothing... Jennifer I suggest you go. You have Miles and you shouldn't see me again. I'm sorry." He said bluntly.

My heart felt like it had sank to the very bottom. I frowned and stood up. "Sherlock, do you really mean that?" I asked.

"Yes. Off you go." He said avoiding eye contact with me.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now