26. The Court Session

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"So, Jennifer. Tell me. What is your connection to Matthew." The barrister said as she looked up from a sheet of paper on the stand. I stood at the podium and I looked at Matthew who was standing in front of the audience. He was smirking at me and I felt like crying.

"I have no connection to him whatsoever." I breathed out.

"How did you meet Matthew?" She asked.

"Well, um, Miles and I had gotten into a fight and he left me. I was standing on the pavement upset, crying and then Matthew comes and he was kind. He wanted to help. So he took me to a place where you could see beautiful sights but then he kissed me and wanted a little more than just kissing but then my father found me and he saved me..." I said quietly.

"So you willingly got in this mans car, a stranger?" She asked.

"Y-yes." I sighed and I looked down.

I heard her sigh. "I have no further questions for now your honour." She said taking a seat.

"Thank you." The judge said as he gestured for me to sit down.

"I call Vanessa Jameison to the podium." The judge said. Vanessa  where have i heard that name befote? A woman, in about her early twenties, walked up to the podium. She had black hair with bouncy curls and was quite pretty.

"Vanessa Jameison. You are in a relationship with Matthew, am I correct?" The barrister asked.

Vanessa nodded. "Apparently, Matthew tells us you were having an affair with someone else. Is this true?"

Vanessa looked worried and she nodded. "Y-yes" she stuttered.

"Do you remember who that person is?"

"Yes. Miles Harrison." She said looking down at her feet.

I shut my eyes and swallowed. Of course. That night Miles had her number on his hand...

"Well, we have quite the mix up. Miles and Vanessa, Vanessa and Matthew, Matthew and Jennifer, Jennifer and Miles. Vanessa, tell me, do you like Matthew? Do you like being in a relationship with him?"

Vanessa shook her head. "N-no. He's violent, he gets angry if he doesn't get his own way and I needed to leave some nights because it was too much. I then met Miles and we were drunk and-"

"I've heard enough thank you. I have no further questions your honour."

Vanessa gave me a sorry look and sat down in her seat.

"Matthew Anderson. Please step up to the podium." The judge said. Matthew walked to the podium and stood there staring intently at me. I looked away from him and I could still feel his eyes on me. "Matthew. You are on trial because it is apparent that you shot young Miles Harrison. Do you feel that you a guilty or not guilty." The judge asked.

"I am innocent." Miles said still staring at me.

The barrister stepped up and began to ask questions.

"Where were you, the night Miles was shot?" She asked.

"At home." He said.

"Can your girlfriend confirm this?" She asked.

"Yes, she can." He said darting her a look. The barrister looked over at Vanessa and Vanessa shook her head.

"You seem like you're telling lies. It will only get you in more trouble. Where is the weapon you used to shoot Miles in the arm." The barrister asked. She came across as a bit demanding but I guess you have to be in this job.

"I told you. I didn't shoot Miles in the chest." Matthew said a little angrily. He darted me a glare.

"I didn't asked if you shot him in the chest. I have no further questions your honour. I think you can agree what will happen at the end of today." She said before sitting. Matthew sighed and his head dropped. I watched him as the judge asked the jury to discuss. He looked up at the ceiling.

"We have come to a decision your honour." A woman said standing up. "We have found Matthew Anderson to be, guilty." She said. She then sat down.

I looked at Matthew and an evil smirk grew on his face as he looked at me. I frowned and looked down at my lap.





Soon two policemen took Matthew away and I was walking with Sherlock to St Bart's hospital.

"You did very well in there Jennifer. I'm proud of you." Sherlock said.

"What about Mum, Dad. Do they know I'm back?" I asked.

"Well. Not exactly." He answered.

I nodded. Soon we arrived at the hospital and I followed Sherlock up to were Miles was. I arrived outside his door and I took a deep breath. "You'll be okay. Stay calm remember? Everything will be fine." Sherlock assured me.

I turned to him and cuddled him quickly. "Thank you Sherlock." I mumbled into his chest. He stroked my hair. "I'd do anything for you, Jennifer."

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now