Embry x Reader: Goodbye My Dear Friend Pt 2

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Warning: Emotions disturbances, lost friendships, anxiety, and phonophobia.

A/n: Remember, Jared is imprinted to Kim 100%. Some of you guys know how I am; you must be patient, lol. But this is part of Jared and Embry's POV. The next chapter will be Y/n.


Embry's POV

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Do my eyes deceive me? I pray to whoever or whatever is listening to me above that this is not a hallucination. Y/n, in all her beauty, is standing in front of me. If you haven't been able to tell, I have always had a significant crush or infatuation with her. She was a grade above me, but I always thought she was so beautiful. The way her smile would brighten the room or her laughter would fill the air. She always kept her h/l h/c hair in different styles. I remember once she came to school with shoulder-length hair, the next day, it was cut almost all the way off. She always amazed everyone, and I couldn't help but be attracted to her.

It also didn't help that I couldn't really talk to her either. She hung out with Jared Cameron, Leilani Gorladron, Javier and LaCienega Boulevardez, and Damion Johnson. The guys were kind of intimidating; they weren't mean—maybe Jared—just loud. I could tell that it sometimes got to Y/n, and she would flinch away. I noticed when she did, Jared would calmly and secretly talk at a lower tone and try to make her feel better. If you didn't know them or grew up on the reservation, you'd think they were dating.

Jake and Quil would sometimes make fun of me for my "obsession" over Y/n, but I would try to ignore them. They even once almost convinced me to ask her out. I almost did, if it wasn't for the random fire drill that erupted, and everyone had to leave. She moved towards her friends, and I took that as a sign to just drop it. Jake and Quil still tried to get me to do so, but eventually, I never did, and then she moved away. I never forgot about her. I, and others, added her on MySpace and eventually Facebook, but we never really talked to one another.

"Holy shit! Y/n!?" Jake said, and I smile at her and wave. Watching as the sun hit her, giving her a beautiful glow, I could do nothing but look at her. Quil jabbed me in the side to bring me back and laughed to himself. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Y/n.

"Hey, guys! How are you?!" She says while hugging us. It went without saying that not only did I get a slightly longer hug, but I got a two-arm hug instead of a side hug like Quil and Jake got. Play it cool Embry, just play it cool.

"Not too bad, can't complain. How about you?" Quil exclaims. I couldn't help but look at her; my mouth went dry quickly, and not a damn word came out of my mouth that whole time.

"I'm good. You know, just moving back, living life, trying to not get killed in the process. The usual." She says, smiling. We talk until her friends come up. She tells us to text her some time, and I don't know if my eyes deceive me or what, but she mainly looked at me. Dear God, if I fuck this up, I won't live myself down. We jump into Jake's car and head off.

"Smooth Em. Not even a 'hello.' Did you invite us to your internal wedding while in front of her the whole time? Or did you guys go to Vegas and eloped?" Quil asked from the back seat. I rolled my eyes and put my head in my hands.

"I was caught off guard! If I had a little bit of a warning, I would've said something. I just got, I don't know, stuck! Fuck me!" I said, blushing while the guys laughed.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, she clearly feels the same for you since all we got was some fucking side hug, and you got a full-on 'I miss you' hug," Jake said. I smiled a little bit, and Quil laughed. Looking back on that, I honestly can't complain. Suddenly, I started coughing. Not one of these little ones, no. This was some full-blown coughing; almost like I have bronchitis.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now