Embry x Reader: Gaslighting Pt. 1 (6/29/2020)

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OC x Reader then Embry x Reader

Warning: abusive tactics are used in this first part.

Part 1: "Gaslight" by Snow Tha Product

Part 2: "New Me" by Ella Eyre

Part 3: "Falling for You" by Tamia


"Gaslighting: (verb) to manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their sanity."

Being young and in love has its perks and downfalls. Isaac and I have been together for about a year and a half now and everything was fine at first, until a few weeks after he asked me to officially be his girlfriend in the beginning.

Oh you a big money spendin'
Man who gets the women
Big bill droppin'
Want it, then you got it
Rollie face wearin'
If she lookin', then she starin'
If she starin', then she carin'
But can't put a finger on it

He was supposed to be saving up for college. We had both planned on going to Washington State. Well, he had planned for us to go. I wanted to go to the nearby junior college since I had no idea what I wanted to do. I figured I would save a ton of money getting my basics out of the way by paying half of what I would at a University.

But instead of saving his money, he was buying random crap and flashing it to everyone. I'm talking about new shoes, chains, brand named clothes. Stuff that he could buy later, stuff that wasn't necessary right now. He was strutting like Instagram influencers—the same people he hated the most and promised to never be like.

You a big game talker, every ex's your stalker
You ain't ready for no relationship, but can talk to her
You just want some company
Every bitch you fuck with either crazy or amazing
Then you shady as can fuckin' be

I would catch him constantly flirty and texting random numbers. When I called him out on it, he would call me crazy and make me feel bad for not trusting him. And of course, I'd feel bad and apologize even when he was in the wrong. I loved him after all.

You can't commit and that's your greatest talent
Claim you're breaking hearts like back to back
Deep inside there's somethin' less than average
'Bout the bitches that you claim to bag
Somethin' 'bout the bracket that you at
Maybe all the practice that you have
Wouldn't do you any good where I'm at
Class ain't somethin' you can pay to have

Gaslight pro (pro)
Gaslight pro (pro)

Our break-up and make-up game lasted throughout Junior and Senior year. My friends constantly coming at me for not seeing his player ways. Me, not seeing the manipulation he was playing on me. The more I called him out on his bullshit, the more I was crazy, which made me angrier and more depressed.

And you could tell me lies
Tell me, tell me lies
Tell me I'm trippin'
Tell me why, tell me I'm the one
Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)

Oh you a fuckin' Prince Charming out in public
I'm like "Yeah, yeah, yeah"
Lead me on, then they leave
Then it's back to never there
Throw the blame out everywhere
"No one can compare" yeah, yeah
You just never wrong, but here's your problem
Now, I don't care

It was a game with him. Everyone told me to stay away, but no one knew him as I knew him. No one knew the side of Isaac as I did. Behind those deep silver eyes and freckled face, you wouldn't believe how much of a softy he was. It was like he would pull a 180 on everyone.

But that was the thing. No matter how many times you pull 180's, you're still doing a 360. And eventually, you'll get dizzy and fall apart.

You playin' with my mind, somehow every time
Pretty lies come right out your mouth, and that ain't right
Gotta fuckin' draw the line
I've been just your type
Prey on any insecurity you fucking find
Got me questionin' my memory
You're a narcissist, intensity
You startin' off the problem, causin' drama
Then you got me second guessin' me
And I don't give a fuck which house your Moon is
What sign you are or how you grew up
You're a fuckin' adult and you got to get it together
You're a dick and you're manipulative as fuck, ugh

Gaslight pro (pro)
Gaslight pro (pro)

"What the fuck Isaac! Are you serious?!" I yell at my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. Out in the open at school, making out with Francesca DeLaurentis, the bitches of all bitches in the school. The look of shock on his face couldn't describe how he felt.

"Aw, what's the matter? Mad that your ex finally has something worth living for?" She laughs as if that was my problem. I ignored her.

"Really?! You couldn't have the balls to at least break up with me first before sleeping with the known walking STD of the school?!" that seemed to snap him out of his trance.

"Seriously? That's the best you got. You know what, fine. I should have, but guess what chubs, I didn't. Plus, I don't know why I even bothered staying with you. Look at you, why would someone like me bothered staying with someone like you. Look at you, why would someone like me, who can be with this fine ass here" slapping Francesca's nonexisting ass, "be with someone like you? A sloth. You're lazy, you don't bother to present yourself, and really, could you at least put on make-up. Give me something to look at." He said as if I was the one holding him back and I was the problem.

"Fuck you!" I said, before knocking him in the face and storming off. Lousy piece of shit.

And you could tell me lies
Tell me, tell me lies
Tell me I'm trippin'
Tell me why, tell me I'm the one
Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)

Gaslight pro (pro)
Gaslight pro (pro)

After that day, I threw everything of his that wasn't worth money away. Sold what I could (thankfully his dumbass left a lot of valuable things here) and kept up with school. As soon as graduation was over with, he'd be gone and a thing of the past. And I couldn't be happier about that.

It was painful, to be honest, but throughout that time "with" him, by slowly stepping away from him emotionally, it became easy leaving him for good.

And you could tell me lies
Tell me, tell me lies
Tell me I'm trippin'
Tell me why, tell me I'm the one
Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)

And you could tell me lies
Tell me, tell me lies
Tell me I'm trippin'
Tell me why, tell me I'm the one
Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)

Pulling up to the school the following week, was like a ton of weightlifting and falling on my shoulders. It was both painful and satisfying. Painful because I had to endure my ex, satisfying because my support group was here. Graduation and summer is only 2 months away and I couldn't wait to start a semi-new life.

"Hey! Y/n!" Clair, my best friend, called out to me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Did you hear the big news?"

"Francesca finally got pregnant?"

"No, well, maybe. But no," she looks over my shoulder and smiles, "Someone had a nice glow-up." I looked at her with questionable eyes and followed her eyesight. And boy was I glad. Embry Call struts the hallway as if he was a piece of gold crafted by God. He'd always been adorable, cute, and charming. Quiet and conservative among his friends.

"Hot damn," I said under my breath. And it was like he heard me; he looked at me straight in the eyes and stopped in the hallway. At that moment, I felt warm and fuzzy—it was weird. His mouth opened a little and a grin grew on his face. His friends, Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote nudged him and followed his eyesight. They looked at each other and started laughing and pushing one another. Embry looked at them and said something before they started shoving each other.

"What I'd kill to be under anyone of them," Clair said.

"I call dibs on Embry," I said looking at her. She looked back at me and smiled then shrugged her shoulders.

"That's fine, give me Paul for the night and I'm good."

"Gasp! What about Quil? Your future husband and father of your kids." I say dramatically and quietly to ourselves. She smiles and rolls her eyes.

"Oh, he's still my baby daddy. I just want to try him for a night." She says, like the hoe (metaphorically) she is.

"As long as I get Jared, I think we'll be okay." Kim walks up to us watching the rowdy 3 boys in the hallway. The bell rings, signaling the warning before class starts.

"Well girls, let's get our asses in there," I said with faults determination. I look back and see Embry watching me. I smile and turn away. Unknowing to either one of us, another set of eyes was watching closely nearby. 

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