Embry x Reader: Falling for You Pt.3 (6/29/2020)

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OC x Reader then Embry x Reader

Warning: Nothing.

Part 1: "Gaslight" by Snow Tha Product

Part 2: "New Me" by Ella Eyre

Part 3: "Falling for You" by Tamia


I was getting ready for a bonfire that Embry and the guys invited me to. Everyone and some of the elders were going to be there. I heard a knock at the door, then heard my foster father answer it.

"Y/n, Embry's here!" Said Andre, my foster dad.

"Okay! Almost ready! Give me 5 minutes." I yelled back.

"She'll be done in 15. Have a seat..." they walk off somewhere in the house. I continue to do my makeup before slipping on my yoga pants and converse. I opt for a regular black sweater to match the excitement. Black is a happy color.

Could I be falling for you?
Is this a fantasy come true?
Is this a dream that I've waited for?
Am I the one that you adore?

Whoa, whoa
I think I'm falling for you
Whoa, whoa, whoa
What am I supposed to do?
'Cause you make me feel
Like I'm falling in love (am I falling for you?)

When we get to the bonfire, I notice Kim and Clair are here. We run-up to each other and they show me the way to the table of food. I say hello to everyone and sit with Leah and Emily talking about random shit, allowing the guys to play soccer and wrestle with one another. After some time, I felt someone's eyes on me, and I turn to look to see its Embry. He was talking to Paul and Sam when I caught his eyes. I smiled, as did he, and turned my attention back to the girls.

"Aww, look at the love birds," Clair says, laughing into her aunt Emily.

"Embry and Y/n, sitting in a tree.." sang Leah and Kim,

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Emily. I can feel my face heating up and I start laughing a little.

"First comes love," Kim sang,

"Then comes marriage." Clair sang,

"Then comes a baby in a baby carriage." Leah followed through.

"That's not all, that's not all," Jared joined randomly,

"Then here comes the alcohol!" they sang together. Laughing and falling over.

"I hate, all of you." I laugh along with them. Although I have my suspicion that Embry likes me as I do him, I'm not 100% sure. I shake my head at my friends and get up to get a bottle of water. As I turn back around to head back where everyone else was, I run into Embry.

"Oh shit, my bad Em," I say looking up at him. He smiles at me and shakes it off.

"I hope they're not bothering you. I know they can get a little..."

"Too much? Psychotic? Mentally deranged? Irritating?" He laughs and nods his head.

"Yeah, something like that."

"Well, no worries. I know that they were just joking." His smile falls a little and he makes a face as if he was debating to ask me something.

"Uh oh, I know that look. What's wrong?" He looks everywhere but my eyes,

"What if they weren't joking..." my heart damn nearly skipped a beat. No, it skipped the bottom two steps.

"What do you-" I was cut off by Sue Clearwater.

"Okay, guys! We're getting started!"

Could it be love, tell me, boy, Is it true?
I get a rush when I think about you

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now