Paul x Reader: Enduring Love Pt 4 (9/30/2020)

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Paul x Reader: Enduring Love

Part 1: Eternal Love

Part 2: Everlasting Love

Part 3: Endless love

Part 4: Enduring Love


Your POV

It's getting hotter and hotter by the second. I don't know if I can handle this any longer. At some point, I realized that I am currently naked running on the steaming hot ground looking for a point that is cool enough for me to rest. Or at least a way out of this misery. Trees are falling and fires are consuming the forest. I gave up on trying to find a way out. It was no use, I'm stuck. All I can do is find a way around this hell.

I keep running until I see it. The big tree. The center of the forest that has been my safe place the whole time I have been here. Looking at it, it seems like the only normal place here. Where I don't have to struggle; somewhere comfortable until everything calms down.

I reach my tree and I can rest, but only for a minute. Out of nowhere, I could feel the roots of the tree become warmer and hotter than the rest of the forest. I figure, my last hope is to climb. I have no way out or around this place. There's no exit, no Snout, and I am alone. I cry and plead for help as I climb up this tree with what little strength I have. When I get to the top, I can see the forest, and all I saw was red and orange flames. Smoke consuming everything, and no possible way out. It was in my last seconds I remember what the beautiful lady told me.

"'ll be given two choices soon. Make sure you choose the right one. Your life depends on it."

"Your life will depend on it..."

I can easily assume that she is talking about this situation. And honestly, all I want is the pain to stop. I'm too tired to fight, but too scared to stop. As the fire gets closer and closer to me, the branch holding me starts to break. I climb to the highest point and make my decision.

Paul's POV

It's been two and a half days already. I want this to end now! Edward was supposed to be able to read her, but apparently, he can't. She's still breathing, her eyes are involuntarily moving around, but there's no active response in her. Not a damn thing. As the hours go on, I am eventually put in my place on what happened a few days ago that put us in this position. That put the love of my life in her position.

The evening of the Accident: August 24th

Y/n, Emily, Kim, and Clair were all in the kitchen making dinner while the guys and I were in the living room playing on the PS5. I had got up to go to the bathroom and on my way back I saw Y/n/n phone light up to see, no other than, Alice Cullen calling her. What the hell would that leech be calling Y/n/n for? And why does she have her number saved? I grab the phone and before I can answer I hear Y/n come up behind me.

"Hey babe!" she runs up to me. As soon as she sees my face she stops and her smile drops. "Babe? Are you ok?"

"Why is that leech calling you?" the house goes quiet. She looks to her phone just as the call ends, rolls her eyes, and nonchalantly says,

"It's just Alice. I ran into her and Bella at the mall to pick out some last-minute gifts for the baby shower."

"But why do you have her number saved! What are you? Buddy-buddy with them now?!" she tilts her head to the side, squints her eyes, her nose flairs, and heat radiates from her.

"And if I am?" she states calmly. "not once did they ever hurt nor touch me. And if I don't fucking recall, they don't feed off humans."

"One snap and you could have been dead!"

"And that doesn't apply to you too?! Seriously Paul! Alice helped me pick out some great stuff for Em and Sam's baby shower, Christmas presents, oh, and your birthday! What evil person does that! Cause last time I checked, you guys sure love that PS5 Alice saw come out and hinted to me for us to preorder it for you guys!? Should I take that back and get the money back? Because I'll easily do it."

"No... Ouch! Jared."

"Shut up Quil!"

"THEY COULD STILL HURT YOU! I don't want you talking to them again!"

"Hell no! Last time I checked, I don't have to ask you who I should or shouldn't be friends with! I can make my judgment!"

"See, this is why I wish I would have never imprinted, especially on someone like you! Why can't you just listen?!" I say. In that second, you can hear a pin drop. The words flew out before I could stop them. Usually, I have control over what I say in our argument, but this time, I couldn't.

"Wow...Bet." Y/n said. Fuck. I groan and follow her outside.

"Paul!" Sam calls out to me

"It's fine Sam, the truth comes out one way or another. Snout, let's go, baby!" Y/n walks out the front door and towards her car. I reach out to grab her hand that was holding Snout's leash. It slips and Snout runs towards and into the woods across the street. Y/n runs after Snout, and everything goes in slow motion. Not paying attention to the truck coming, her body slammed by a truck speeding by and she instantly hit and crack her skull on the asphalt. I run to her hold her in my arms until the ambulance comes as her life slips away. And that when my life came to a stop. All I hear is sirens from a distance and the feeling of warm thick liquid dripping onto my skin and clothes.

EMT's come and try to take her from my arms, but I resist until Sam and Jared make me let go. I watch as they strap the love of my life to the gurney and put her inside of the truck.

"Shit," Brady said. I look over and see Snout, dead, next to the truck's tire. His leash got caught against something and dragged him, snapping his neck. I can't help but lose it at that point. Before I'm aware of doing so, I try to run, but I'm stopped by Embry. The cops want to talk to me and ask what happened. Somehow, I was able to answer some of the questions, but I could feel myself breaking down as I tell them what happened.

Thus, leading us up to here.

Present-day: September 2nd

I could hear it—the final heartbeats. Carlisle and Edward rushed in as we listened to the final intake of breath and the thumping of her heart. After the last one, we'll know which path she decided to take.





**TBH, I intentionally ended it like this. I want to add more, but at the same time...I really don't want to. I don't know, We'll see!


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