Embry x Reader: Bet (8/15/2020)

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Embry's POV

Y/n/n and I have been dating since sophomore year and we were tight as ever. When she moved to La Push in middle school, I have had the biggest crush on her. She made friends instantly and sometimes, her friends would point me out if I was looking too long. I turn away as fast as I could without getting caught. I couldn't help myself. I looked at her the same way I have always looked at her...amaze, admiration, stars trucked, as if she was a breath of fresh air and clean untouched by human water.

She was slightly competitive (not as bad as Paul, but not as lighthearted as Quil) and tended to say "Bet" when she wanted to prove something; if she was angry, sad, in an actual bet, anything really. I remember the first interaction I had with her. Freshman year, there was a party in Forks and a few kids on the Res decided to crash it. Jake, Quil, and I decided to head over, unknowing to me, so did Y/n and her two friends Natahli and Jerilly. And like most parties, there was games—truth or dare, spin the bottle, beer pong, all of that. And of course, Quil and Jake dragged me into spin the bottle. Which is where I run into Y/n. I could see Quil trying to hold back a laugh, and so was Natahli?

Anyways, we sit and play the game. And like some force or universal divine being, she spun the bottle, and it landed on me. I damn nearly shat in my pants when I saw what was happening.

"What'cha waiting for Em! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Jake started as everyone else followed.

"Let's make it better! Seven Minutes in Heaven!" Jerilly said out loud. Everyone laughed and agreed. Her friends and mine picked us up and rushed us to the closet nearby. A girl who started the game had a timer and we were pushed in.



"Look, I know this might be weird-" I said.

"You don't have to do this if-" She said at the same time. We were silent and looked up at each other. A few seconds later a smile was on her face and by instant reaction, it was on mine. Soon followed by a quiet laugh. It was dark, so I couldn't see her next move, but I heard her take a deep breath and I felt her closer to me. Instantly, as if it was a natural habit, my hands went to her waist to keep her close to me. Both of our breathing was hard and staggering. Normally, I don't make assumptions, but this time was different. I wanted to take my shot and branch out from the comfort-zone I am used to.

So, I pulled her closer to where our nose was touching. Her arms wrapped around my neck and when she nodded her head, I kissed her. It was soft yet powerful. She kissed me back instantly and we both smiled. I couldn't say we were full blown making out, but I can say that we both were a more confident kissing and smiling at one another in the closet. And as if everyone thought we were doing something more, the door sprung open and a flash went off.

"Awe...I thought it was something more." A random girl said. Y/n laughed and hid her face in my neck. Her friends were screaming in excitement and we all walked out. We stayed a little while longer, watching Quil get his first kiss with some girl named Jessica and Jake playing rock paper scissors with a guy he landed on. Who ever won, got a beer and we had to play bets on one of them. The other guy won and after that, we went home. Y/n and I exchanged numbers and I already asked and planned our first date.

"So..." I said,

"So..." she said with a smile,

"Would you like to go out with me? I mean, I know we just, you know, kiss, but I don't want you to feel like, you know, bad or like you have to. 'Cause you don't! You don't have to! I would like to, but if you want to, which you can choose not to, we can go out sometime? Maybe?" I said all in one breath. She laughed and just nodded her head.

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