Paul x Reader: Surrender (6/29/2020)

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 Paul x Reader short story with the song "Surrender" by Natalie Taylor

Y/n = your name, Y/l/n = your last name, y/h/(t)(c) = your hair (type) (color), y/e/c = your eye color


"You can't hide from her forever Paul. It will consume you. You can't stay away from her, no matter how hard you try." Sam said to Paul in front of the whole pack. They all found out the infamous Paul Lahote just imprinted on a girl from Forks. Jake brought her and Bella by one day and Paul just happened to leave Billy's when he saw her.

"Fuck you, Sam! Just watch. I won't end up like you and stay trapped in something as sad as imprinting." Paul argued back. Sam took no offense to it. He knew, just like everyone else, that Paul was going to cave, and they'll be there to help him through it. So, no one stopped him when he ran and shifted towards the woods.

We let the waters rise
We drifted to survive
I needed you to stay
But I let you drift away
My love, where are you? My love, where are you?

Paul ended up at Y/n house in Forks. He wasn't sure how he knew where she lived but while hiding, he saw her in the kitchen making food for herself and her family with her grandmother. He couldn't help but watch the y/h/c y/h/t imprint of his laugh and help her grandmother. In his wolf form, he laughed to himself imagining him with them. It was something he craved since childhood. Never receiving that type of love and affection before made him wonder for a second if he'd receive the same thing if he gave in.

But it was only for a second. He shook the thought, growled, and backed away. It was almost like she knew someone was watching her, did she look out the window, unknowing to her, and looked at him straight in the eyes. She knew she was looking at something—it didn't scare her—but she couldn't tell what it was. She turned her attention back to her grandmother and put whatever it was in the back of her head. Paul took his chance to leave and go elsewhere. Anywhere away from her.

Whenever you're ready (Whenever you're ready)
Whenever you're ready (Whenever you're ready)
Can we, can we surrender
Can we, can we surrender
I surrender

Weeks had passed, Jacob had fully shifted and abandoned Bella and Y/n. At this point, Paul was out of control. He snapped at everything. If you looked at him too long, if you sneezed too hard if a cat meowed. He would snap. Sam had, had enough of his bullshit. He pulled him to the side to talk to him.

"Damnit Paul stop this shit! Just go to her! Talk to her! No one said you had to be more than friends." That just pissed him off more. The thought of not being Y/n anything more than friends pissed him off. But being with you did too.

"Why? So, I can be some love-sick puppy?! Fuck that!" He spat.

"It's better than damn nearly killing everyone! Look around Paul! Look at what is the consequences of your action. Without her, you're not yourself! We all can see it!" Sam looked defeated. "You're better than this Paul. You said you want to work on your anger, watch what happens when you are near her. You'll be better in an instant. I can guarantee you that." He said softly to the hot-headed wolf.

"I'm not a child Sam." He backed away, "so don't fucking treat me like one. I can fix my temper on my own. Watch me!" Sam knew what he had to do at that moment when Paul ran. He couldn't allow this to keep happening.

No one will win this time
I just want you back
I'm running to your side
Flying my white flag, my white flag
My love, where are you? My love, where are you?

"Thank you for doing this Y/n. You have no idea how much this will help the boys and their grades." Y/n smiled at Emily.

"It's no problem. I'm pretty good at history and English, and I know if Bella would have come, she'd help with the math and science." You told her, driving in her car to her house. "although, I don't think Jake would pay mind if she was there." Y/n gave Emily a knowing look. You both laughed and continued talking along the way.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now