Paul x Reader: Everlasting Love Pt2 (09/12/2020)

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Part 1: Eternal Love

Part 2: Everlasting Love

Part 3: Endless Love

Part 4: Enduring Love



It's getting darker and darker by the second. It feels like it's dropped 30 degrees in a matter of 20 minutes. I stopped hearing Snout's barking but instead, I would see him. He looked like a ghost almost. Foggy but I could tell it's my baby. We were playing until it started to get darker and colder. Now, I'm under this tree that I've run around countless times. Holding myself together to create warmth. Snout comes up to me and although he is a ghost-like figure, I can feel his warmth, feel his heart beating out of his chest. His face pressed up against my neck while I hold on.

I want to let go. I'm tired, lost, and don't know what is going on. I kept running around this forest, but it never ends. I'm alone... if this is my death, then all I ask is for one thing.

Let my family and friends know I love them.

Paul POV

The ride home is silent. Sam says nothing and I won't attempt to start anything. I replay the conversation that we just had in Y/n room. She can change, but can't be on La Push grounds, even if she's resistant towards humans. Normally, I'd say "fuck this" to anything that has to do with immortality. But because my one reason for being happy at this point is on the verge of leaving, I'm willing to throw in the towel just to have her in my arms again.

We pull up to my house. Dad's not home (shocking) so it won't be hard to grab some stuff and leave without playing a million questions.

"I'll be back in an hour. Or if you're hungry, just stop by our place and we can leave from there." I nod my head and head inside. As soon as I close the front door, I lean back on it and breathe. I let go of everything right there and attempt to hold myself together. It took me a minute, but I eventually made it to my room and started packing my stuff. As I was doing so, I was brought back to what happened earlier that day.

Before everything went downhill.

Morning of the Accident: August 24th, 2020

Dad came home late last night, again, and we started to argue that morning about the mess HE made that I was supposed to know about THE NEXT MORNING. So, like I normally do, I (unwillingly) clean up the shit he did and headed over to Y/n place in Forks. We were supposed to meet up later, but after the shitty morning my dad decided to put me through, I didn't care too much about it.

As I pull up, Mrs. Vargas—her neighbor— and Y/n group home "mom", Chrysanthemum (Chrys), was walking out of the house laughing to something I didn't care to pay attention to. I step out of my truck and it grabs their attention. I can hear Chrys's heartbeat twice as fast. Yeah.... I have that effect on people.

"Good morning ladies. Is Y/n awake? Or is the still snoring like a lion?" I smile and they chuckle a little bit.

"No, she's awake, just being lazy," Chrys says pointing toward the house. "Go on in, maybe then she'd get up." She smiles.

"One can only hope. I will see you guys later." I gave a polite smile and headed upstairs. I go through the garage entrance and wave to Kyle (group home dad) and a few of the boys nearby. I exchange a few words with them and went inside. Before I could reach the stairs, I can hear her coming down.

"PAUL!!!" She runs down, damn nearly tripping, falling into my arms. "Hi." Is all she says, looking up at me with her cute smile that shows her small dimple on her left cheek. I can't help but smile down at her and kiss her nose.

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