Seth x Reader: You've Got It Bad Pt 2 (10/31/2020)

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Seth x Reader: Wanting you

Part 1: "Dreams" by Ella Eyre

Part 2: "You've Got It Bad" by Usher

Part 3: "Never Give Up on Love" by Bobby Tinsley



Oh, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no, no


When you feel it in your body
You found somebody who makes you change your ways
Like hanging with your crew
Said you act like you're ready
But you don't really know
And everything in your past, you wanna let it go

Over the past few months, Seth and I have been...I don't know...pulling towards one another. Literally. I didn't notice at first, but Kayla pointed it out one day after school on our day off. It was shocking, to be honest. I never saw it before, and when she explained with facts, I couldn't deny nor confirm it. But after that conversation, I did notice there was a change.

"I'm telling you, Y/n!"

"Shhhh! You'll wake up the monster." I say, whispering to her. The monster, aka one of my two guardians Taylor. Taylor can be described as a temperamental ass bitch. I mean, Kennedy isn't any better, but at least their words aren't harmful like Taylors. They've never put their hands on me (because they know I will knock their necks), but they are slightly intimidating.

"Sorry. But still, for example, usually in Mr. Harpender's class, you guys would sit on the opposite end of one another. Suddenly, you guys are now in the middle of the class. If Jeffery Delmer wasn't a teacher-pet and had to be at the desk before everyone else, I swear you guys would be on top of one another by this point." She smiles with excitement while I roll my eyes.

"Well, regardless, he hasn't been at school in, what, a month or so? So, who knows? Maybe if he comes back, we'll see." I shrug my shoulders.

"Look, I'm just saying, you should make the first move. Look at him! He's such a sweetheart and a cutie! He looks in your direction all of the time." I feel a rush of heat consume my cheeks as my face brings up a smile.

"I'll think about it...IF he comes back. If not, then it was just meant to be as such." Kayla rolls her eyes and plops over to the other side of the bed.

"You're lame."

That night, as I was lying in bed, I thought about what Kayla said and how we had gravitated towards each other. The feeling is, nice? Frustrating? Overwhelming? I don't know, it just feels-

"What was that?" I whisper to myself. I look towards where the noise was coming from and walk over to the window to check. I slightly pull my covers back, and I look around. I suddenly remember the dreams that would display almost every other night. The one where Seth comes to my window but wake up before anything happens.

As I search for what it could have been, my eyes land on something that I can't see. I know whatever it is, they're watching me watch them watching me. I don't move my eyes from them until I hear a creak in the floorboard in the hallway. I turn to look at the door, then look back outside. Whatever is out there is gone. I rush—quietly—back to my bed and play as if I fell asleep. I suck at acting, so I grab a book and lay in an awkward position sitting up so that if they look in my room, I'll have a reason as to why my light that I stupidly neglected to turn off is still on.

"Wretched child..." Kennedy said as she comes in. I "wake" up to see her looking at me and act as if I was asleep.

"What have I told you about keeping the light on past 8:30. And why are you still up?" I roll my eyes and respond in a tired voice.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now