Embry x Reader: Except For You (8/8/2020)

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Warning: Death, Emotional support and control, CPS/fostering/adoption/homes.


Y/n was an easy-going kid growing up, full of life, happiness, and all things of that. It wasn't until the tragic accident happened that landed you in foster care. CPS searched high and low for a family member to take you in. But to no avail, you were still in the system from the soft ages of five to 15.5 years (to be exact). It wasn't the easiest, nicest, and not the most pleasant, but you survived and that's all that mattered. At least, that's what you kept telling yourself.

You were taken in by your great aunt when you were eight, but by then, the damages had been done. You were distant, hesitant, and deemed as an "aggressive" child. The only life form you ever let get close to you was the dog of the house, Manny. As soon as you entered the household, Manny was your comforter, protector, and your emotional and mental support. Your great aunt and uncle realized this and let it be. It wasn't until another accident occurred that resulted in Manny's death did you end up in a group home. The pain was too much, and because you weren't properly taught how to express your emotions healthily, it resulted in a few tossed dishes, runaways, holes in the wall, and nights of screams and cries that could be heard for miles. Ever since, at the tender age of nine (at this point), you wouldn't allow any form of being near you. The thought of going through that pain again only would hurt 20x more than the time you lost your family and Manny. And that wasn't worth it.

That is until you were fostered by a couple who wanted to adopt you in the small town of La Push. You had met your foster mom, Emily, at the group home she volunteered at and for once grew attached to someone. It took a while, but something about Emily gave you a sense of home. She reminded you of her mother. Or what little you had of her. All you had of your family was pictures and trinkets you hid from the other kids, so they don't mess with it.

You and Emily grew close. So close that Emily had to stop volunteering at the group home. Regret consumed you until you had a potential parental meeting to be adopted. When you walked into the room, the first person you saw was your caseworker, Lilly (the bitch), and then you saw her...Emily. You ran to her as fast as you could, hugged her with all your strength, and cried.

"What are you doing here?" You cried into her shoulder.

"I'm here to take you home Y/n/n." you looked at her confused. She smiled and continued,

"That's why I stopped volunteering. It would have been a conflict of interest and unethical to continue to work here and then adopt you, sweetie. So, I talked to Jessica and Leo," the group homeowners, "and they said I would have to stop for a given month, place in an application, allow CPS to check if we're acceptable to be able to be a contender. But Jess and Leo somehow convinced them to speed up the year process to five. I'm so sorry Hun, I didn't mean to be away for this long." She said with tears forming in her eyes.

"You want me?" I said in disbelief. She smiled and looked up at a man I didn't realize who was there. Big ass dude who looked to be "6'4", broad shoulders, buff, and looks like he could intimidate and scare off anyone in his path. He grinned down at Emily and looked towards me. He held out his hand and introduced himself.

"I'm Sam, Emily's husband. She has told me nothing but great things about you Y/n." I hesitantly but confidently shook his hand and from then forward, I was accepted into their close little family. And to be honest, I wasn't that was surprised at how easily I had grown attached to the two.

Six months later

I was in the garden with Emily fixing the flower beds when I heard the guys come from the forest. Emily and I looked at each other and went inside to clean up real fast and prepare for their ultimate feast. The guys had been training for some vampiric war due to this incompetent girl who can't get herself out of trouble.

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