Paul x Reader: Endless Love Pt 3 (09/30/2020)

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Paul x Reader: Endless love

Part 1: Eternal Love

Part 2: Everlasting Love

Part 3: Endless Love

Part 4: Enduring Love


Your POV

The sun came up and it was slightly warm again. I looked around for Snout but couldn't find him. I get up tirelessly from the ground only to see a figure of a woman in front of me. She is blurry but shaped like a shadow. She was slender and small with an authority like stance. And without a second thought, I ran.

I looked behind me and I saw her just standing there. Looking in my direction. Whoever it was, or whatever it was, wasn't going to leave. That I was for sure aware of.

Paul's POV

We pull up to this small cottage in the middle of nowhere (shocking!) and watched as some of the Cullen's friends step out of the house. My inner wolf is just dying to come out at this point. The Cullen's, I can handle, but these people...unknown leeches...that's a different story. Carlisle does his grand gesture and greeting, and we all move inside.

"Come, young Paul, I will show you where she is at. I know the last place you want to be at is here with us." One of the blondes said. I followed her down a long hallway into a guest bedroom. From the door, I could see her, tubes tied, and machines keeping her alive. Blondie tells me she'll be outside if I need anything.

I just watch her from the door. Tears forming in my eyes as I watch her from across the room. I somehow find myself walking towards her, ignoring the chair next to her bed and lay down next to her. making sure I move all the tubes around so that I don't hurt her. Her body isn't as warm as it used to be. As if she was barely hanging on. As if she was ready to let go. As if she was showing me what she'd feel like when she's turned. Could I be ready for that?

Your POV

It started raining not too long ago. I ran around looking for protection until I came upon a cave. I had been sitting in here for a while, watching the rainfall endlessly outside. Trying to keep warm, I curl into a ball and try to lock in warmth. Not too long afterward, a rush of heat consumes me, and I do nothing but relax into it.

Not paying attention anymore, I don't realize that at the entryway of the cave is the woman and Snout. He barks and it echoes through the cave. I turn to look, and I see them. She points at me and Snouts comes running my way. To frightened to move, and too cold to scream, I wait for my ending. But instead, Snout comes up to me and licks my face with his tail wagging and his barking throughout the cave. It's not until I notice the lady at the cave is now sitting in front of me.

In an instant flash, the cave brightens up and I see her face. She was beautiful. I've seen her somewhere, but I can't remember where. She looks like someone I know, but I keep coming up blank. She smiles at me and starts talking.

"He was right. You are beautiful. It's ashamed I never got to meet you." The lady smiles. I look at her confused and respond.

"Who's he? And what do you mean? Do I know you?" I ask, confused as can be. She shakes her head and smiles.

"No, but I know plentiful of you and have been watching you for a while now. I see you've taken great care of my son. I just wanted to say thank you." She smiles. I take a good look at her. She has clear and bright honey-olive skin with beautiful brown eyes. Her long black hair extenuates the glow around her skin and her smile just brightens the room. There was a calming and motherly feel around her.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now