Seth x Reader: Jealousy (7/2/2020)

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Y/n: your name

Y/L/N: your last name

Y/g: your gender

Y/e/c: your eye color

Y/h/c(t): your hair color or type


Y/n and I have been friends since we were kids. Y/g was always so quiet, and y/g kept to y/g-self. There were times when y/g would have those days where y/g wouldn't stop talking. And on those days, it's better to just listen. We've all learned that when these moments only last for a day and they're random. But on days when y/g was quiet, I only wished to hear y/g half as much.

If I'm honest, I've always loved y/g. When y/g moved to Forks, I saw y/g at the park with y/g mom. Y/g was swinging by y/g-self and I couldn't do anything but stare at y/g. After that, I wanted to go to the park every Saturday, just to see y/g. Eventually, I build up the courage to do so and from then on, we became friends. Y/g doesn't live nearby, but y/g hung out with me and the guys at the beach on the weekends.

Until it happened. Y/g met him. Riley Biers. A son of a bitch who was a grade above us. They started dating our sophomore year. He asked y/g out and they started dating for a year. A year. Do you know how hard it is to watch the love of your life, be in a complete relationship with a guy like Riley? But I can see why y/g liked him. He was everything I wasn't.

He was on the football team and a well-built guy. He had dirty blonde hair, although basic ass eyes, he was taller than me. My "5'6" had no comparison to his "5'9". Whereas Y/n was "5'10" y/g still had better leverage to be with him than me. It sucked because he could never appreciate y/g like I. He couldn't remember basic things about y/g. For example, y/g favorite color is ____; favorite food is _____; favorite candy is _____; Where you were born? He couldn't even say that. Yet, y/g loved him, and he cared for y/g. when the guys and I met him, we all didn't like him. He was too cocky and an asshole. But y/g liked him, so we had to deal with it.

But then shit went downhill. Jake, Embry, and Quil all left, and I was alone. Yeah, Y/n was there for me, but y/g was never alone. And when we were supposed to hang out, Riley would "coincidentally" appear. At first, I thought y/g was telling him where we were going to meet, but that was before I overheard an argument about him being a stalker. Y/g told him to back off and that y/g needed to be with me. Oh, you have no idea how happy I was to hear that. Even if it wasn't in a romantic way, at least for a minute, y/g chose me over him. Which meant, no matter what, I overcome all guys.

But then it was my turn to disappear and at the worst moment too. When I shifted, Riley broke things off with y/n to leave for school. They wanted to do the long-distance thing, but he didn't want that. I couldn't be there for y/g since Sam had a gag rule in place. Y/n was a mess and I couldn't do a damn thing. But of course, things happen for a reason.

I found out y/g was my imprint. To say that I was ecstatic would be a downplay of my emotions. But in that same tone, guess who came running back? Riley. Y/n and I were friends again, but y/g was dating him. But I could tell that the imprint bond was becoming stronger and stronger no matter how much time y/g spent with him.

"Seth. Can I ask you something?" Y/n asked with y/g head low, nervous as far as I can tell.

"Sure, what's wrong?" I ask back.

"What if you found out...I mean, what would you do if you were put into a situation where you want to end things with one person to be with another, but you're unsure how the other person feels about you... Would you stay with the person you're with? Or leave?" I swear to God, if y/g talking about me, I will shit my pants.

"Depends. If you could give a percentage of how much you like one person versus the other, what would you give?" y/g looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Hypothetically speaking, person one would be 20%; person two would be 80%." Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck....

"Okay," I stand up and walk towards y/g, taking a big ass risk. "So why not end things with 20%?"

"Because I'm chicken shit." Y/g says looking down.

"Well, I think regardless of what the 80% says, you should still end it with 20% if he doesn't make you happy," I said standing in front of y/g. I lift y/g head with my finger. My confidence rising slowly as I look in y/g eyes for confirmation. Y/g's talking about me, I'm y/g 80%, and I will fight to be 100%.

"How?" Y/g says looking at me, quickly looking at my lips then back up at my eyes. I smile and wrap my arms around y/g waist and pull y/n closer to me. Y/n wraps y/g arms around me and breathes easily.

"Just say when and your prince charming will arrive to help you."

"...When." I quickly move my head downward and kiss y/g without a second thought. Y/g kisses me back instantly; adrenaline rushes through my body. Kissing the one y/g I've always wanted and finally having y/g is nothing but pure joy and excitement.

"Wait, Seth... We shouldn't..." y/g says, taking a step back.

"What? Why? I thought...I thought you wanted..." I said feeling embarrassed and deflated.

"No! I mean yes! Yes, I want you! God, Seth, I've loved you since we were in Junior High; but I should end things with Riley before this. Fuck!" Y/n says stressing out.

"You love me?" Y/g looks at me with a shocked expression.

" I just..." Before she could finish, I kissed y/g again. Y/n didn't fight me, y/g embraced more into it. When we pulled apart y/g eyes were closed, and tears started falling.

"Hey, baby, hold on. It's okay." I pulled y/g into me.

"I'm a cheater Seth. I just cheated on Riley. And, honestly, I also feel like I'm cheating on you with him. I don't want him; I want you, Seth. But I don't know what to do."

"Leave him. Let me tell you something, love. I have been wanting you since the first day I saw you on the playground. I would purposefully try to catch you there every Saturday. When we finally became friends, I would go out and pick a flower for you to give to you but was too scared. Do you know why in elementary school, you got most of the candies? Because I wanted to make sure you knew someone was watching you. I've loved you forever, and when you started dating Riley," I spat his name like poison. "It killed me. Ask anyone. Hell, the teachers even knew that I was dying inside. But I held it back because I loved you and wanted you to be happy. When you guys broke up, sorry but, I was happy. Then he came back, and well, I'm sick and tired of him.

"Y/n I don't want anyone else but you. Every time I see you with him, text him, talk to him, talk about him, anything! I fucking hate it. Why? Because I am so madly in love with you that I would do anything to have your love. I would go anywhere and do whatever you want, in hopes you feel the same way.

"Y/n, you are what is holding me down at this point. If anything happens to you, I'll follow without a second thought. If you were to disappear tomorrow, I would go after you and find you. I will forever be in your life if you want me here. I hate him, I hate how he has been around you, how he's loved you in ways that I could do better at. I hate how you'd even smell like him. Y/n, I can't let you go, especially after finding out I'm that 80%. Leave his 20% ass and see what it feels like to be 100% happy." I tell y/g. Y/n is looking up at me with glassy eyes, tear-stained cheeks, and sniffling.

"Okay." I look at her with wide eyes.

"What?" I said, she smiles back.

"Okay. He leaves in an hour for Seattle. Just promise me one thing."


"Never be jealous of anyone again Seth. Okay?" I smile and hug y/g.


Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now