Paul x Reader: The Note (11/1/2020)

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Paul x Reader: The Note

Anon request: Hey! so I just wanted to do a request. [Paul: He finds reader lost and cold in the forest.] and (if you can) [Embry: Reader was part of Victoria's army and he imprints with her while they're fighting.] Thanks! I just love your stories.

Warning/Authors Note: Just know, the reader has curly hair but your hair color. Mentions having anxiety and indirectly saying depression. Also, I feel like it is necessary that I would post in hopes that it takes other's minds off of everything that is going on. I know it doesn't do too much, but I hope it helps and does enough. 


Stupid Janie, stupid Daniel, they can go fuck themsel-

"Fuck!" I said, falling. I scratched the palm of my hands to catch myself. I look back, and I can hear those cheating bastards calling for me.

"Y/n! Come back!" Janie said.

"Babe! Come on! Where are you!?" Danie called. Ha, yeah, right, like I'm about to go anywhere near you guys. I hurry up and continue walking towards my house. I cannot believe what I just witnessed. My "best friend" and my now ex-boyfriend were fucking! Are you fucking kidding me!

"Y/n! We can explain! Please come on, girlie!" Janie said. Really bitch! Why should I? How could you? I knew I should've listened to that note in my locker. A few weeks ago, I received a mysterious message in my locker saying,

Don't trust Janie and Daniel.

They used to date and still see each other now behind your back.

Please end it with them both! Save yourself.

Whoever wrote it had horrible penmanship, but I should've listened. I saw the signs, the way they glanced at each other not long after Daniel and I started dating. Daniel always tried to include himself when Janie and I wanted a girls day and how he "conveniently" shows up. Fuck! I'm an idiot. And not only was I an idiot for not listening to the note, but I was also stupid because I was so caught up in my thoughts that I am currently lost.

I can hear Janie and Daniel from a distance where I should've turned to and try to follow their voices. Not long afterward, I find myself lost again! I stopped hearing their screams about 10 minutes ago, and I'm scared. There's supposed to be a storm, and it's already getting dark.

I look around to see if I notice any sign of familiarity, but I find nothing. I stop and close my eyes as the adrenaline rush I had earlier declined, and I lost it. I slide down a tree to the left of me and cry. I can't believe I thought they both cared about me. When I first moved here last year, Janie quickly searched me out and befriended me. At the time, she always talked about an ex that she loved, but it never worked out. Had I known that ex was Daniel, this whole mess would've never happened. I now wonder how long this fiasco has been going on. Right after we got together. Must've been at the point where Janie said she was over him. The hoe! Now, here I am, lost in the forest, in need of bandages for my hands and knees. Suddenly, a light drizzle comes down. Encouraging me to get up and run out of the forest. Or at least attempt to.

As I'm rushing, I feel someone or something following me. I look around and see nothing due to it getting darker and darker. I try to go faster without tripping, but my clothes start getting heavier and heavier as the rain gets harder and harder. I tripped again, and as I was trying to get up, I hear a branch break next to me. I freeze and take small shallow breaths as I slowly lay down on the floor to blend in as much as possible with the ground.

"Y/n?" I plop open to see Paul. He was a grade older than me, but we shared history and gym together. I usually see him around Jared and Embry at school. What the hell is he doing here?

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now