I Gotta Debrief pt 2

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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to debrief a little bit; If you didn't read before in my last update on the shit going on in my life; lately, I had been stressed, and I am currently on short-term disability due to the fact I thought I was having seizures and my medication was probably not working.

I had undergone three EEGs. I recently got out of the hospital yesterday from my EMU (an EEG only in the hospital), where I was admitted for five days. It was concluded that I was having Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES).

"PNES are attacks that may look like epileptic seizures but are not caused by abnormal brain electrical discharges. Instead, they are a manifestation of psychological distress. PNES are not a unique disorder but are a specific type of a larger group of psychiatric conditions that manifest as physical symptoms." (Citation: epilepsy.com)

All of this occurred because of one of my jobs, trying to look for another job, admitting into school for a master's program (so far, I was accepted into 1 out of the two that I applied for), financial burden. It doesn't help that my anxiety and depression kicked in (I was diagnosed with general depression and anxiety—this would go hand-in-hand with PNES). I can't, legally, drive because of this; so, I can't drive to and from work even though I'm due to go back later this month. Texas law states that if you have a seizure, you're prohibited to drive until you show that you can go 3 months without a seizure.

I plan on resigning from my stressful job—even though that would be harder on myself due to finances—and keep on trying to find more work. My short-term disability check application was denied because someone fucked up the dates when putting in my information. I had been out of income from 10/7-current, and I am to return to work on 11/23. The person who put in my information put that I was to return to work on 11/3, which isn't long enough to qualify as "short-term."

All of this being said, please, if possible, send in a request (the second chapter I believe?)—commission or not; I don't care (kind of) at this point—so that it can distract me from what is going to come next. Mainly, terrifying me is paying the hospital bills, regular bills, student loans, and maintaining some sanity so that my PNES doesn't flair up.

Anyway, thank you for following me and supporting me and my writing.

Love yall!


Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now