Seth x Reader: Never Give Up On Love Pt 3

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Seth x Reader: Wanting you

Warning/Authors Note: I completely forgot until after I finished this that Harry died when Leah changed, and I didn't write that in. So, let's forget that detail or act as if Harry didn't. I think I got the book and movie mixed up. I don't know. Also, shoutout to the one person motivating me to keep writing with her comments. I always look forward to reading them @josiealec <3 

Part 1: "Dreams" by Ella Eyre

Part 2: "You've Got It Bad" by Usher

Part 3: "Never Give Up on Love" by Bobby Tinsley


Narrator POV

Over the past month, Y/n and Seth has gotten closer and closer to one another. Seth started to come by after school to the diner Tuesday, Thursday, and sometimes Sunday –if Sam doesn't have him on patrol—which Y/n still has no clue of yet. Y/n would meet the pack when they stopped by randomly throughout the week. Each encounter was completely different from the rest, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

Following Monday after the first date

Y/n was running around the diner, taking orders, and getting drinks due to short staff. Orion called in, Kayla wasn't scheduled, and out of the three new kids they hired, one was due for their shift in an hour, one wasn't scheduled, and the other quit after 3 days. Thus, requiring Y/n to run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

It wasn't until five o'clock when Paul, Quil, Brady, and Embry popped in and sat at one of the bigger booths in the back. They patiently, yet loudly, waited for her. Not too long after, Y/n walked in on Quil and Brady balancing the salt and pepper shaker on their noses, Embry recording it, and Paul looking at them as if he's questioning how he is related to them. Y/n smiles a genuine smile the first time that night watching them. She understands why Emily sometimes needs a break from them.

"Hey guys, my name is Y/n, and I'll be your server today. What can I get for you?" she says, getting ready to attempt to catch every detail of food they were about to order. Based on the amount of food they order on Sunday, Y/n could only assume they didn't come to just order a burger and fries.

"Hey, Y/n! Are you the only one working right now?" Y/n nods.

"Unfortunately. We had a few call-ins, and the other person doesn't come in until 6. So, unfortunately, you're stuck with me."

"Well, let me introduce us. I am your graciously handsome-" Paul starts.

"Satan like- Ow!" Paul ignores Brady and kicks him under the table.

"Man, Paul. The one who is about to cry is Brady; the one who looks like he's afraid of butterflies is Embry-"

"That was one time!" Embry's attempted to defend himself.

"And the one who looks like he has tree-nuts in his mouth is Quil." Paul finishes.

"Do I really still have chubby cheeks." Quil looks at everyone. They all nodded, and Embry poked his cheeks.

"Half of my finger goes in. You have cheeks Sandy," Embry said with a straight face. However, Y/n lost it and could not stop laughing at their introduction.

"I see why Emily says you guys are her sons."

"Awe! She loves us!" Y/n laughs and takes down their order, which consumed 90% of the menu with a to-go plate of a chicken salad and 6 burgers. By the time Nora, the new hire, came in the guys were just about to leave. Well...that wasn't until...

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now