Paul x Reader: Eternal Love Pt 1 (09/02/2020)

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Paul x Reader: Eternal Love.

Part 1: Eternal Love

Part 2: Everlasting Love

Part 3: Endless Love

Part 4: Enduring Love


Darkness. All I see is darkness...I'm calm yet scared. I don't understand what's going on. I am in the forest in La Push, walking aimlessly. Not heading anywhere. I want to go home but I also like it here. I peace. I look over and I see a never-ending path of trees. What makes it eerie is that there's no animals, no background noise, even when I get close enough to the dirt, no worms, ants, spiders, anything. I feel like I've been stuck here for almost an hour or so. And after some time, I realize something...where's my dog?

"Snout! Snout! Where are you?" I yell and start looking around. I hear a bark in the distance and run towards it.

"Snout! Baby, come here!" I hear more barking and I run towards that direction. Something seems familiar about this. I just can't figure out what it was.

Paul's POV

Five days. That's how long it's been since the good doctor Cullen has told me that the love of my life, the only reason I even exist, the one who would calm me yet irritate me out of love, The One; gone. At least, not completely. She's in a vegetable state—can't move willingly, can't hear, smell, taste anything. Hooked up to a machine that is keeping her on this earth. I haven't moved from this spot by her bed unless I have to shower and eat (demands by Emily).

As I sit here, looking at my beautiful Y/n, bruises along her left side of her body, a cast that covers her arm, hip, and legs, bandages wrapped around her head, I can't help but cry nonexistent tears. I have cried all of what I had left over the past few days. I can remember everything that happened so clearly. Regret consumed me, so much so, that Dr. Cullen was gracious enough to fix the damages in the bathroom attached to her room when I smashed my fist into the mirror, and he got her, her suite in the hospital.

I fucked up. Everyone tried to make me feel better, but deep down, we all know what I did was what put her in this situation. Which is why I begged, no pleaded, even bargained with the Good Doctor to change her. He wanted to help, but because of the treaty....

"...I cannot Paul. The treaty states..."

"Fuck the treaty! She's the love of my life! I can't lose her! I may have fucked up and caused this, but I can't let her go! Please!" I pleaded outside of his home. His wife, Esme, came next to me and hugged me as I fell to the ground. I didn't care if she was eerie rock solid or cold as ice, I just needed my Y/n/n back.

As I am looking at her currently, caressing her little finger that is hanging outside her cast, I think back to how we met.

At the Beach: September 2nd, 2018;

There was a birthday party at the beach and, like what anyone would expect from us, the guys and I crashed it. It seemed boring until we, I, showed up. The host was too tipsy to give a crap and was just happy to see more people. I was flirting, per usual, with some lovely girls when the host calls out a name. And what made me respond was the voice and fragrance that came with it.

"What hoe!" a laugh followed afterward. The wind blew a sweet fragrance, pomegranate mango with an orange-like citrus smell to it. I turned my head at the right time to see Y/n. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she walked towards who I found out later to be Angela—one of Bella's old friends. She went up to hug her and Y/n looked around. That's where our eyes came in contact. Everything else around me disappeared and I didn't care for anyone or anything around me. I slowly made my way up to her and she just smiles as I do so.

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