Seth x Reader: The Altar (6/28/2020)

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August of 1998—Pre-K

"HEY! Leave him alone!" Y/n pushes Leo, another kid in your grade, off the new kid at school.

"Y/n! What have I said about pushing other students?" Ms. Carmichael says, going up to Y/n.

"But he was hitting him! And no one was stopping it!" You yelled, stating facts to the wretched woman. She shakes her head and reaches to grab the new kid on the ground.

"Are you okay Seth?" The teacher helps the kid up. He nods his head and looks at you with a smile. "Well then, Seth, Y/n, Leo, follow me. The principal waits for you." We follow the she-beast and you wait for your punishment. As you're sitting outside waiting for Leo to get done with his lame of excuse, you sneak a conversation with the kid named Seth.

"Hey, Seth, right?" he looks at you with wide eyes and nods his head. "You okay? Fat butt in there is mean to everyone and tends to hurt the smaller kids." He smiled at the name.

"I'm okay. Thank you..."

"Y/n, Y/n Y/L/n. at your service sir." I said with a smile with a missing tooth. He smiles back.

"Woah, you already lost a tooth?"

"I lost three. See!" Y/n proceeds to show him your mouth and all your missing teeth.

"Woah...I've only lost two. And they're a pain in the" looks around, "butt." They both laugh at the word butt.

"Wanna be my best friend?" Y/n ask randomly.

"SURE!" he says with excitement.

"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Clearwater! No talking!" Said the receptionist.

"Sorry." They said in unison, looking at each other trying to not laugh.

October of 2007—7th grade; Halloween

"Oh, come on Seth! Tell me! Please...I'll be your best friend!" Seth stops, looks at me with a grin and a side-eye.

"Y/n, we're already best friends. What!?" he laughs, bumping shoulders with you.

"Okay, yes. But come on. Just tell me!"







"Vampire." I look at him with a blank face. Then start laughing.

"Ugh, this is why I didn't want to tell you." He starts walking away.

"No, sorry. I wasn't laughing at that. I was laughing at the fact that we were almost going as the same thing dum-dum." He stops and smiles.

"Really?" he smiles.

"Yes. I was debating as a witch or a vampire. So, since you're the vampire, I'll be a witch." You smile next to him. You were low-key laughing at it, but seeing as it is Seth, and anytime he looks anything but happy always hurts you, you could never laugh at him for certain things. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and you guys walk home to get ready.

"Bet I can beat you to my house." He says pulling you down and taking off.

"NO FAIR!" you state chasing after him.

Summer of 2010—Before 10th-grade year.

Nothing. No call, no text, not even visitation. I had gone over to the Clearwater's house yesterday, only to be turned away by Harry.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now