Embry x Reader: Please Take Me (02/26/2021)

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Please Take Me

Request: Yes by anon on Tumblr. Embry Call x Reader: Hi! Could I please have a request where Embry saves the reader's life, and in doing so imprints on them?

A/n: It's been a minute since I wrote something. So, thank you to whoever requested this! I hope it is what you wanted, and I hope you like it. This request helped me remember what I miss and enjoyed the most about writing. So, double thank you, my love!



You know how they say, always pay attention to your surroundings. Especially at night. And if you're a female (even though it does happen to males too). Yeah, well, guess who decided to not pay attention exiting the grocery store after my shift. My boss, Lenny, asked if he could walk me to my car and I refused. One, because he's kind of creepy—he's nice, but he just looks at you like he's shocked at something. I don't think I've ever seen him blink at least 3 times in a conversation I had with him. But secondly, I was exhausted.

I had 3 Karen's and their husband Bob come into the store to complain about the quality of the meat, the long lines, or just because I had an "attitude." And of course, I had to kick out at least an additional 4 people for not wearing a mask.

"It's my right as an individual to not wear one." Yeah, Dick and Barbra, it's also my right to kick your ass.

"We have the right to not serve you, so go put on a mask or don't come back. I simply don't care." I turn to the phone to make an announcement. "Security, please come to the front. We have a D.A.A.M." D.A.A.M—Dumb Ass Anti-Maskers. But yeah, my day, like most days, was just peachy.

I always park my car on the side of the parking lot. Right next to the exit way and within eyesight of the security footage. I was halfway there where suddenly, I was pushed to the ground. I looked around and saw no one or thing around. So, I calmly got up, and I can feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I sprint to my car and unlock it. As I get in, I take a breather and turn on my car. I look in my rearview mirror, and I see dark red eyes looking back at me. Neither one of us moved. You know how you're in so much shocked as something that if you look away, you'll be afraid you'll never see it again or you question if you ever saw it.

Yeah, that's what is happening now. Neither of us blinked, moved, or exhaled. It wasn't until a creepy smile formed on its face that I reacted. Before I could scream or move towards the door, they had their hand wrapped around my mouth.

"Drive, and don't do anything stupid little one." I nod my head and slowly drive off back towards my home near La Push but just beyond Forks' line. I slowly drive to buy myself some time to find an escape. But apparently, he already knew what I was thinking.

"Don't even think about it, my little rabbit. Take a left up here." I follow his orders, and he leads me to a wooded area. I park my car close to the street, and we get out and head towards the woods. I'm not sure how far we've gotten, but I know as I look around, all I see is darkness, tall trees, and I can't hear the passing cars on the main road.

"Let's play a game, shall we?" he says, squeezing my arm, whispering into my ear. I look up at him, and he smiles and chuckles.

"Don't worry, my little rabbit, we're just going to play a nice game of 'Hound and the Heir.' You know that child game. Do you know or remember how to play?" he says, circling me. I nod my head, yes, tears coming down my face, not excited for what's going to happen next.

"Good! How about I be generous and let my little heir go first. Ready..." I know I'm not going to make it.

"Set..." I say a quick prayer.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now