Embry x Paul x Seth x Reader: Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines (7/14/2020)

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AN: Hey Guys!

This is just mini-stories I've thought up since the wakening of Midnight Sun. I've jumped on the wolf pack stories and I am doing Seth, Embry, and Paul. These stories are realistic teams, meaning, there will be heartache and happy endings. Not every story ends in a happy fairytale. 


1. All characters are the same age (at lease 14+)! With the exception of the offspring of the characters.

2. All imprints are the same age! I DO NOT do that pedophilia crap S. Meyers does in Twilight Saga

3. The wolves are immortal until they give up their abilities to shapeshift.

4. In these chapters, you can only imprint at a certain age. For example, Quil imprints on Clair when she's 3 in the series. Here, Quil doesn't imprint on her until she is at least 15 years old. The same goes for Jake. Even if they saw them as babies, there's no attraction at all until they are beyond older.

5. The main character (you) will always be adopted unless otherwise stated. But for the most part, you're adopted because the reader (you) could be of different ethnicity. And unless I need to be specific, you're at free will.


- When opened, here are my do's and don'ts. They may be subject to change but not likely. I do what I am comfortable with.

- Do's

1. Smut

2. Gender-neutral pairing/secondary characters

3. Fluff

4. Calling out the elephant in the room (societal issues today)

- Don'ts

1. Pedophilia

2. Polygamy

3. Male x male or female x female smut. Not comfortable since it's an unknown territory of mine.

4. Incest and step-siblings pairing (believe it or not, some people want this bs) is absolutely not going to happen.

Key Context:

I will remind you in some of the early chapters, but for those who read this (thank you to those who do), these are context clues when reading from your point of view.

1. Y/n= your name

2. Y/l/n= your last name

3. Y/g= your gender

4. Y/e/c= your eye color

5. Y/h/c= your hair color

6. Y/h/t= your hair type

7. Y/s/c= your skin color

All other characters attached to you will have their own name by me. If you've read all of this, type in the comment "I got you fam" so that I may know there are conscious people in this world. 

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now