Embry x Reader: Anniversary (7/1/2020)

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Y/n: your name

Y/L/N: your last name

Y/g: your gender

Y/e/c: your eye color

Y/h/c(t): your hair color or type


Our first anniversary was coming up and I was nervous. I didn't know what to give this man. He had done so much for me and he had been through so much before we met. He stayed strong throughout the vampire army bullshit and much more. He dealt with my feelings through that time while he was battling his own. I could be nothing but grateful to have him in my life. Which lead me up to this moment. What thy fuck do I give this man. I had already given myself, so I couldn't necessarily do that. I would say we could try some freaky shit, but I already have that in mind for later that night.

"Fuck!" I say out loud, slamming my head on the dinner table.

"You okay their boo?" Clair asked, changing baby Sam's diaper.

"No. I can't figure out what to give Embry for our anniversary. He's done so much and been through so much, I want to give him something special."

"Why not go to the toy store and get something?" Great minds think alike.

"No, I planned that for later. I need something else." Baby Sam cooed and laugh as Clair picked him up to give to me. I bounced him on my leg.

"What do you think little man? You got any ideas?" I ask little Sam, hoping that he'd give me some idea. He just smiled and grabbed my nose then laughed when I nibbled on his wrist.

"Oh! I know! A baby!" Clair laughs. I look at her with a blank face.

"I'll do that later."

"What about one of your artworks? He loves them and you can make one for him." I shake my head,

"He has a billion of them at his place. His mom even took some to work with her to give to some coworkers who came over. I need something. Anything."

"I'm sure, whatever it may be, he'll love it, Hun. Don't stress too much over it." I nod my head and hug little man as he plays with my fingers.

"I have too. Sam has them working triple shifts lately, so I want to do something relaxing and special. I just don't know what..."

Embry's POV

Fuck Sam and his triple shift bitch. Sam and Jake have us running more drills and twice as much of doing patrol. There hasn't been a vampire insight in 5 months. I get it, after the last one, the last thing we need is more kids popping up, finding out that they're shapeshifters. Hell, it was awkward enough finding out I was one. Not wanting to know who my dad is, but having a feeling that Sam is my half-brother isn't something I was planning on. But God damn, the most sleep we've gotten is maybe 2 hours, on a 24-hour schedule. And damn, I feel bad for how I've neglected Y/n/n. Y/g has stuck by me when we were dealing with the damn Vampire Mafia that came for the hybrid-child. No offense to Ren, but damn.

Our anniversary is coming up and I want to do something special for y/g. I asked Jake for a day off next Saturday to celebrate, thankfully he gave me it off, but in return, I have to almost run a 24-hour shift so my replacement can breathe. Honestly, it's worth it, but I hope that I am awake to thoroughly celebrate it.

"Guys, I need your help," I said to the pack at Emily's house. Y/n had just left with Clair and Kim to the store.

"Uh oh, what happened? What did you fuck up this time?" Paul said laughing. I roll my eyes and brush the comment off.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now