Seth x Reader: Mating Season (6/28/2020)

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Monday, August 12th, 2019

It was the first day of school and Y/n was at the library during lunch (as always) catching up on some homework while sneaking some chips occasionally. Seth, Embry, Quil, and Jake were passing through when Seth noticed his long-time crush. Even before his shift, Seth always daydreamed about the quiet and shy girl. They had a few classes together, but he could never get the courage to talk to her. Now that he has shifted, He craved her more than before.

"Yo! Seth! You okay their little guy?" Embry laughed, waving his hand in front of his face.

"What? Yeah, I'm good." He says, slapping his brothers' hand away.

"Look over their guys. Hey Seth, why don't you go talk to your girl." Quil nudges him towards the library door.

"Shut up Quil," Seth pushed back and started walking away. Jake and Embry shared a look and grabbed Seth towards the library.

"Let me go! What the fuck is wrong with you guys!" Seth says, trying to not start something with his brothers, while also not causing a scene. Too late.

"What the-?" Y/n looked up from her English homework to see Embry, Seth, Jake, and Quil playing tug-of-war with each other. Y/n shrugged her shoulders and goes back to work as the boys run off elsewhere.

Friday, September 20th, 2019

Seth sat directly behind Y/n and could do nothing but attempt his way to be closer to her as possible. He had finally gotten the courage to talk to her a couple of days after the library incident; in the midst of it, to everyone's relief, he imprinted on her. Since then, he has calmly entered her into the pack world. She took it well. She was shocked and hesitant at first, but she accepted what it was.

When he told her about the imprinting, she was happy. Seth has never seen Y/n big e/c eyes light up and smile as if she was seeing the sun for the first time. She was ecstatic by it because she had feelings for Seth since she first saw him in gym class a few years back. He was smaller, lanky, and had baby-like features. Now, he was buffer and broader, taller, with child-like features. Even as a giant, he wasn't intimidating. Seth was the definition of a teddy bear or more like a cub. Man, on the outside, a child on the inside.

Wednesday, November 13th, 2019

It had been a little over two months of Y/n and Seth being together. Emotions grew stronger and hormones became wilder. It didn't help Seth when Paul would think obscure things. It also didn't help that Seth would think of those things while being with Y/n. She knew something was up and decided to confront him about it.

"Seth, are you ok? You seem...on edge lately." Y/n said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine," he says abruptly moving away from her hand. "I have to go," Seth said walking past Y/n and towards the front door. He is stopped by an arm grabbing his.

"Did I do something wrong? You've been avoiding me..." Y/n said with tears in her eyes. Seth turned to his imprint and regretted everything he did to her. He grabs her, pulling them close, and kiss them as hard as he could. Allowing to let Y/n feel why Seth has been acting the way he has. She hesitates and looks up at him.

"That's why I have been distant. I don't want to force you into doing anything you don't want to do. I love and care about you too much." Seth says with emotions in his eyes. Y/n smiles looking down. She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, looks up at him, and she allows him in. When he looks at her, he sees it. He sees a mutual feeling. Love, passion, and lust. Without a word, they embrace one another for a wild night to remember.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now