Embry x Reader: Bitch (7/9/2020)

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Warning: N/a

AN: Not my best work, but......

"Bitch" by Bea Miller


I hate little bitches. Granted, I am a little blunt, but that's not my problem if people don't like the truth. I had just started at Forks High and somehow, I found myself with a group of people on my third day here. I don't mind, some of them are great people, it's the other bitches that are bothersome. For example, Mike was hitting on Bella in the most desperate way possible. It was disgusting and I can tell Bella was too nice to say anything.

"Hey, Mike?" I called his attention,

"Yeah Y/n," he said irritated, bitch you just fucked up.

"You know, I was going to say this the nicest way possible, but because of that attitude, I don't give a shit. Please, for the sake of all of us, stop flirting with Bella. She is highly uninterested and you're being a creep. Matter of fact, all of you guys, stop, the girl is too nice to tell you back the fuck up." I said to all of them. Bella gave me a thankful look, Jessica looked shocked, Lauren looked pissed (like always), and Angela was laughing.

"Oh, what do you know! How are you so sure that we're all flirting with her?"

"Because the smell of desperation oozes off you guys. End of discussion." I look over to Bella and Jessica, "Do you have the lab notes from last week. I have no idea what is happening." I said, ending the conversation. The guys rolled their eyes and called me a bitch.

"Heard that."

I been runnin' my mouth around the corner
Chasin' it down the street
I cash in my words like I'm a billionaire
But I don't have food to eat
And I keep talkin' like I'm taller than the trees
But my eyes never see much higher than five feet
And I keep on tellin' everyone the truth
But maybe that's not the move
And everyone wants to hear a strong opinion
If it's the same as you
And they say honesty is the best policy
If that were true, don't think all of my friends would hate me

I wouldn't say I was a troublemaker, nor a problem starter, just an honest person. I may have gotten detention for standing up for a girl that was getting picked on by Lauren. The next day, I was in my history class minding my business when said girl decided to get me in trouble again. Thankfully, Rosalie Hale was just as irritated with her as I was.

"Keep talking Lauren and you'll easily regret it." If hell had a look, it would be the face Rosalie gave her. That shut her up quickly. I looked over at her and bowed my head towards her saying "thanks" and she did the same. She went back to talking to her boyfriend Emmitt and I went back to doodling. At the end of the day, I was walking towards my car when I heard someone call out to me.

"Hey!" I heard behind me. It was Erick, great.

"Yes Erick, how may I assist you?"

"Look, I just need to warn you. You can't go around acting like you own the place. Being rude and such, that will get you nowhere girl." He said, in response to this morning when Tyler came in with new J's. Everyone was amazed, minus a few of us, and he started to act like he was better than everyone for having them.

"You know, you can have nice things and be humble at the same time." I didn't call them ugly, but, in guy code, I did. What-the fuck-ever.

"How do I put this nicely...No. Have a good evening." I said walking away.

Society is suckin' on your dick
And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch
And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth
But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch
Society is suckin' on your dick
And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch
And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth
But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now