Seth x Reader: Sherlock (6/28/2020)

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*Additional characters names are as gender natural as I can get them*



It had been a month of nonstop calling and texting to Seth wondering what the fuck is going on. One day, we're laughing in his room supposed to be doing homework and the next, he suddenly needs to avoid me. I tried talking to Sue and Leah, but no avail. Billy decided to take care of him (even though Sue is a nurse) so when I tried getting a hold of Billy, all I received was to not call again or automatic voicemail.

I decided enough was enough and I was going to confront him at school. He'd seen me in the hallway countless of times and ran the other way before I could get to him. This time, it wasn't happening. This time I was going to make sure I get the answers I needed.


As I head to my last class, I find him with Embry and Jake at their lockers. I grab his arm to look at me only to barely have him move.

"Hey, what the hell Seth? What the hell is going on with you?" I pay no mind to Embry and Jake as Seth turns to look at me. I stare up at him and damn nearly forget to blink when I look into his eyes. I've always loved this boy, always had a crush on him, but now, it just seemed different. Trying to stay mad, I keep my composure waiting for an answer. Although, knowing him, he can read me like a book. He looked at me with a black expression and said.

"Leave me alone Y/n. What can't you get? We're not friends anymore. And by the way, you need to work on hiding that crush you have for me, it makes you look desperate." He said, turning around instantly, slamming his locker, and brushing past me faster than I could register what he just said. I have never felt a heartbreak as bad as I did at that moment. The expression must have been obvious because even Embry and Jake tried to talk to me.

"Y/n/n..." before Jake could even do anything, my defense mode went up and I looked at them, blank face, lack of emotions, and all that came with it. We've all known each other for years; they knew what this means when it came to me. I was beyond broken, and no amount of sense of care can snap me out of it.

"I have to go." I decided to skip my last class and head home. Once I got in my car, I calmly drove to the gas station to fill up and head home. When I got to my room, I calmly grabbed a cardboard box and absent mindlessly packed all his stuff. Pictures, tapes, clothing items, anything that was his. He lived here sometimes so I grabbed his clothes, bath wash (that I would use sometime), and anything that he had given me as a gift. Birthday cards, charms, dreamcatchers, trinkets, stones that looked like shit we found as kids, everything. It took 2 boxes to fill most of it, I put the rest of his clothes in a trash bag. I carried them to my car, running into my older siblings, Riley and DJ, who stopped me along the way.

"Woah there Trojan, what's going on with you?" I looked at them dead in the face and they knew. Everyone knew something was wrong when a lack of emotions is displayed on my face.

"Who hurt you?" Riley said,

"Who do we have to kill?" DJ said afterward.

"Don't worry about it, I'm through with them. Can you grab that box and that bag and help me bring this to the car? I have to return this." I said heading towards the door.

"Didn't Seth give you this ring?" It was a raven, he said because I was mysterious and cautious that it reminded him of me. I almost cracked at that moment.

"Wait, this is Seth's t-shirts! Y/n, what happened? What did he do?" DJ said.

"Doesn't matter, just put it in my car. I need to return his shit. I'll tell you later." I said placing the box in the front seat. They followed through without saying a word. They pulled me into a hug for emotional support and allowed me to go on my way.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now