Paul x Reader: Cheating (6/30/2020)

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"Are you serious Paul. Really? Why would you even say something like this!"

"Because we both know it's true Y/n! You cheated! I saw you do it!"

"Oh my GOD! Paul Lahote. How many fucking times do I have to tell you? I did not cheat! Why would I?" I said, waving my arms all over at my boyfriend. Soon to be ex if he keeps fucking around.

"Yes, you did! Just admit it!"

"No! I won't, because I didn't cheat. You, however, always, and I mean ALWAYS cheat! I caught you doing it at most three times in the last two weeks. Ask anyone!" I said looking around the room at the other guys who are all nodding their heads.

"It's true, man. You do cheat, and you suck at hiding it." Seth said looking down.

"Yeah, be like Y/n, and do better," Jared said with a grin, loving the argument.

"SEE! You do cheat!"

"Oh, shut up Paul! EVERYONE cheats at Monopoly and UNO! You, however, try to find a way to cheat at any game! Even Connect Four. HOW!? Why?!" I ask, he sits back on the couch and folds his arms like a child.

"I do not cheat at Connect Four..." I look at him with a blank face and roll my eyes.

"Babe, admit that you hate losing and let us keep going with the game," I said kissing his forehead.

"I'm not playing anymore." He pouted.

"I'll make you pralines if you act right."

"Who's turn is it!" he said cheerfully. 

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now