What the Fuck Happened To Me (pt 3?)

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Hey everyone!

So, I know I fell off the face of the earth recently. Sorry about that. A lot has recently happened in my life and I just wanted to start by saying thank you for following me and liking my writings. And secondly, I have writer's plague. I want to write so badly, but I lack the motivation, and I have slight writer blocks. It sucks because I have so much to say and so much to express and write out that...I don't know. My motivation just isn't there anymore, or at least now.

But also, I wanted to update yall on my health. So, I stated before that my health was in questioning and that I was in the hospital. It was determined that I had Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures caused by stressful situations in my life. Between working at jobs that I hate, going back to school, family issues, and post-graduation depression, it was advised that I talk to someone.

Currently, I am doing just that. I had to go on anti-anxiety/depression medicine, and I am now talking to a professional counselor about everything. So, you know, it's been a journey thus far and I'm going up and down on a rollercoaster lately. However, I did get accepted into a master's program! And for the next 2½ -3 years, I will be working towards becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist and being involved in play therapy.

In the meantime, if you have any requests, PLEASE do not hesitate to send in requests. This helps me enormously and find some motivation to get through it all. Thank you for sticking this out with me! Also, I'm thinking about doing some Harry Potter. I kind of gotten stuck on that train for some weird reason, but let me know what yall think!

Love yall!


Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now