Paul x Reader: Thanksgiving (8/30/2020)

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Paul x Reader: Thanksgiving

Warning: Child Protective Services (CPS) and Adult Protective Services (APS) involvement mentioned. Death of elderly, and implication of abuse and neglect are written

Takes place LONG after the war with the Volturi; Renesmee is 16 and Jake JUST imprinted on her. Not when she was a baby. Let's just act like Bella didn't almost die when she had her and they just moved away until recently, okay? Cool.

Also like I said before, all the imprints are the same age as the guys. No pedophilia bs is EVER in my stories.


I met Leah in my Sophomore year at Washington State. I was going into Development and Family Structure whereas she was going in to be an RN like her mother. We met in a Health and Sex class that was considered as an elective course. Because we had to travel across campus to make it to this class, we always ended up sitting in the back of the class together. Eventually creating a friendship that you'd rarely see develop and stick together. Now, we're Juniors and I am currently packing to head to La Push with her and her boyfriend Lajohn for Thanksgiving since I didn't have a family.

I was lucky if I'm honest. I was given to the state at 12 after CPS finally indicated that my parents weren't fit to take care of me and my grandmother. Unfortunately, it took the death of my grandmother for anyone to do anything. Although I was given to the state at 12, I didn't leave until I was 18. The likelihood of getting adopted after 10 is slim. I was happy for those who did, but it hurt to see some of them come back. You realize through others that just because the idea of parenting is wonderful, being a parent is completely different. I was lucky enough to take advantage of resources that were provided for me and some of the other kids that lead me to this point.

I got my first job at 16 and worked from then onward. I applied to college and financial aid as fast as I was able to so that I wouldn't be alone. I receive enough grants and scholarships for my associates and now working on my bachelor's. My previous roommates were, well, trash; which motivated me to get a job and move into the nearby apartments. My roommates now are chill, we all just don't talk to one another. Which lead me back to this moment at my apartment.

"I don't know what to wear!" I said looking in my closet for a perfect outfit to bring to Thanksgiving.

"I don't know why you're stressing about it. I told you, no one is going to care. But, if you're that worried, wear the ripped jeans and the black off the shoulder sweater shirt. Oh! And the booties!" Leah said going through my closet. Even though she says and acts like she doesn't care about fashion and appearance, I know deep down in the pits of hell that we call her soul, that she really and truly still doesn't, but she has a soft spot for it.

"Thank you! Oh, and I'm mad at you, you bitch." I said packing up the outfit.

"What, why?"

"You got your eyebrows done without me! You see mine looking like Chewbacca over here!"

"I'd say more like baby Chewbacca..."

"That's not the point!"

"Sorry, look, it should be around 12:30 or 1 by the time we get to Seattle, we'll stop there. I promise." She says smiling while hugging me. Bitch.

"Fine. Now let's go before Lajohn comes up here like a brat crying." We laugh and start heading towards the door. We have a long seven and a half hours to get to La Push. Let's see how this goes.


We stop to get something to eat, fill up, and get my eyebrows done. Lajohn took that time to fall asleep in the car because knowing us, we'd get sidetracked and find some shit for everyone. But we resisted! Mainly because our paychecks don't come in until next week and I'm barking on this dinner and the leftovers (if there is any based on what Leah tells me about her brothers) to last me until then.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now