Embry x Reader: The Wallflower (11/1/2020)

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Embry x Reader: Wallflower

Anon request: Hey! so I just wanted to do a request. [Paul: He finds reader lost and cold in the forest.] and (if you can) [Embry: Reader was part of Victoria's army and he imprints with her while they're fighting.] Thanks! I just love your stories.

Warning/Authors Note: Bree was unjustly killed, and I hate S. Meyer for it. The ending is kind of shitty since it isn't a multiple chapter request. Also, I feel like it is necessary that I post in hopes that it takes other's minds off of everything that is going on. I know it doesn't do too much, but I hope it helps and does enough. 



I watch everyone in the corner of the room going batshit crazy with hunger. We are cramped up in a warehouse somewhere deep in the southeast side of the docs in Seattle. I was one of the first few victims of Victoria and Riley. I knew what they were up to, and I knew she is playing Riley like a play-toy because I had been watching Victoria closely. Every day, it's someone new, and every day that someone new may end up dying because she starves them until they all go crazy.

Except for me, and that terrifies her.

I have always been the invisible one—the wallflower of every group of friends I had. I was also a runner and observant of everything and everyone. Cautious of everything and everyone. The second I got an inkling that shit was going south, I was gone. It explains my surveillance ability; to see tactical and strategic plans and details of someone and my surroundings. For example, Victoria, she has one goal in mind but changes her pathways every time. Her issue is that she only plans out two different options without thinking of another one. And that's where she downfalls at. Because the worst thing to do is to be a step behind an obvious move. I know she has warned Riley of me. Both are unknown to what I can do. If I'm honest, if I liked the bitch, I would help her plan on taking down the Cullen.

Plus, if I liked her, I'd also warn her that we are actively watched. I look over to the left side of the roofless room to see four figures with bright red eyes—Three guys and one girl. They've came by almost every night for the past 2 weeks, and Victoria and Riley haven't noticed a thing. And as usual, I make direct eye contact with them, nod my head a hello, and turn back to the room of bastards I'm stuck with. I know how this is going to end for everyone, including me. Death. Without a second thought. And Victoria and Riley, especially Riley, included in that equation. And by the looks of those four, I already know that there's not a chance in hell I would survive if I was to go out hunting now. They'd kill me in a heartbeat.

I looked over to see the only two people I like in this room of chaos—a small petite girl named Bree and a guy around her age named Louis. Bree was no older than 14, and Louis was 15. It's sad to see young lives lost and gone for good, thanks to a selfish bitch and her puppy. The second Victoria and Riley brought them in, I took care of them. They're the youngest of everyone, and I reassured Riley to not go after younger kids if he wants to live another day. He took my threat heavily and never bit another kid under 17.

"Enough!" Macho man Riley screamed. I rolled my eyes and listened anyway. "We leave in an hour. Remember, when you see them, demolish them! They will kill you before you kill them."

"Oh please," Sabastian said, flexing his muscles, "They wish they can take me down."

"With that attitude, you'll be down in five, maybe ten minutes tops." Another kid said on the other side. I can't say he's wrong.

"Why don't you say that to my face!" Sabastian called out.

"HEY!" we all look up to see the red queen has finally blessed us with her glory. "Let's save the fighting for later. Right now, we must prepare to head out. The Cullen's are dangerous; they will play mind games on you and have you believed in lies. They took my family, and they will take many others if we don't." she says, giving a weeping sad story. I roll my eyes at her drama.

Imagines/Short Stories: Paul, Embry, and Seth (2020)Where stories live. Discover now