Chap 10 : sparks And Burns

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“Roni?! What did you do?” Em shouted looking alarmed.

Not gonna lie I was proud but I kinda feel bad about the poor girl lying unconscious on cold bathroom surface .

I could see blood coming out of that plastic nose of hers.

Roni though looked as if it didn't even happen.

I waved towards Roni's face which was completely zoned out.

AGAIN “weird”.

before you both lecture me, I'm not sorry about what I did she deserved it” Roni said while putting her hands on her hips.

Em was still shocked, she knew that we both could fight but never saw us in action.

“who said I was gonna scold you, I mean I've never been happy from you, you finally proved your worth” I said winking at her.

making her shake her head at me not before mumbling.

“you sure are crazy but not as crazy as your mate”.

Say what?

I looked at her as if she's completely lost it.

I was startled by the slamming of the bathroom door, revealing Adrian and the guys. how in the world are they everywhere?

“Ron you shouldn't have done that!” Adrian said with so much power in his voice which made my legs go jelly but not the normal one the flavored one which always make you go crazy.

What am I even thinking?

Shaking my head I tune back into reality.

“It's not my fault she was talking badly about the lu- a-about our mum like that!?” Roni said with almost red eyes.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I'm just hallucinating with the lack of sleep because of my nightmares.

After what Roni said I saw Noah and Sebestian become rigid.

I nudged Em motioning towards Noah.

She touched his arm and had to drag him out.

She nodded towards me and gave Roni a one last glance before going out.

Now let's see what we have to do here to slice open the thick tension in the air.

It was suffocating.

Adrian was looking as if he was having an internal battle,while Sebestian was calming Roni down which was of no help at all. She was in a really really bad mood.

“but still it does not mean you beat the living shit out of her” Adrian said making me surprised I thought he was heartless.

The voice in my head snorted
look who's talking hypocrite ”.

yeah I know what you all are wondering strange girl how can a non existent voice snort.

But it can.

“ok guys we are still in school, just think rationally and calm down-” Sebestian said trying to ease the tension but to no avail.

“Yeah, I know you won't say a thing to that bitch seeing as she was your ex girlfriend” Roni said weirdly it pulled my heart strings but now is not the time.

Oh, so they were dating.

Maybe their secretly together again.

I kept calm with my hands folded infront of me, leaning on the wall.

As soon as Roni said that Adrians eye's shifted to me for a moment making me raise a brow at him.

As if Roni realized what she said
“Adrian I didn't mean-”

She was cut off by Adrian.

“just leave it, I called the nurse  already, she will be here in a moment and Sebestian get her out of here I'll handle things alright?” He commanded leaving no room for argument.

Roni mouthed a sorry to me before going out with Seb  probably for ruining the day but to be honest I quite enjoyed today.

Adrian looked at me, He was about to say something when I cut him off.

“you shouldn't really hide you're relationships from your sister and friends”I, muttered looking at my nails.

He spoke looking confused.
I sighed before walking towards the door.

“I saw you guys in the hallways, just stating my opinions. Stacey, really? you could do better”.

“we aren't-” Adrian suddenly looked like he wanted to kill Stacey judging by murderous look he was giving to her unconcious body.

My phone dinged.

“well that's my que to leave also can be a gentleman and do me favour”.

Adrian was about to protest but I just shushes him up by placing my fingers on his lip.

I felt sparks.

What in the moly world?

“Tell Roni and Em at the end of the day that I had to go somewhere and my phone will be probably off for a day, just tell them not to worry ok?” I said tapping my foot waiting for an answer.

“Yeah but don't mind me asking where are you going? ” Adrian asked looking intently at me.

His hot breath on my finger.

That look makes me squirm not in a bad way though.

“To hell, the satans  are calling for their leader”
I said throwing him a wink and left.

I don't want to bother getting my books from my locker.

I ringed up Liam to pick me up as I waited for him in the parking lot.

I am nervous to visit her after so long. I've been busy unpacking that I didn't visit her. Heather my older sister was sick, had been sick for a while. I miss her.

The relationship between my parents since Heather fell into coma had been a little cranky. They started going on trips more leaving me all alone.

I don't hate them for that. It's hard on them too but I was all alone after Heather fell into her long ass sleep.

I just hope. She wakes up.
I'm sorry guys this is a really short chapter but bear with me here. I'm trying to adjust as much as I can.

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