Chap 43:killed Me Inside

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The cold air against my skin made goosebumps arise as I shuddered, my eyes swept over the small room.

The walls were splattered with red, the floor freezing cold.

I can taste the blood in my mouth as I bit into it too hard.

I heard them, I heard sugar and the rest talking about me and Heather.
I left the necklace there just in case anyone searches my room. The necklace is connected to the ring that as of right now is stuffed in my shoes.

I hope they come soon. I'm so scared of what Ryder might do.

I screamed as another jolt of excruciating pain came, it's been coming since I left the beach house.

The pain is too much for me. My eyes watered as I sat up wincing as it felt like my skin was burning.

My vision changing suddenly, I mean my eye's felt like I was seeing things through a binocular or something I can't describe it.

I could see even the tiniest thing clearly on the far corner and just as the pain fades away for a few seconds my eyes go back to normal.

"Isn't this just a pleasing sight?" Fin chuckled darkly sitting on a chair in front of me with Ryder behind him.

"I hope I entertain you to the fullest" I mutter pressing my forehead to the cold wall.

"Oh you will, soon" He exclaimed as I gave him a suspicious look.

"Don't make things hard for us do as we say harley or others would see the same end as Liam - one more already has" Ryder spat smirking at me as my head snapped up to his.

My eyes burning again as the pain coursed through my body.

"What did you do?" I growled my hands balling around the chains making them clink.

"Oh you know just Reuniting her with her mate" He waved walking up to me kneeling down.

"Who?" I seethed as I heard the chains breaking my hands ready to smash his head to the ground.

"Your sweet sweet astrea" he whispered as my whole body felt like it turned into someone else.

My senses heightened as I head butted him, standing up as he wiped the blood from his nose.

"Grab her. It's finally time" Fin screamed making me grab him by his throat.

I don't know what was happening its as if I was trapped in my own body and whoever was brave enough to do this to them was beating the fuck out of them.

Astrea is dead.

I don't know what to do anymore. After I'm out of here somehow. I'm not going back. I will not let anyone else die.

"R-yder" He screamed as I put pressure on his throat Making him choke his legs dangling above the floor.

I kicked Ryder as he tried to stop me making him fly to the wall.

"Do it NOW!" Ryder shouted to someone as I felt somone sting me.

Maybe needle I don't know.

Dropping Fin to the ground as he gasped for air.

I charged towards Ryder as he grabbed a knife.

My eye's burned my vision going red as astrea's face replayed in my head.

They killed her.
They killed sugars and roni's mom.
They killed the women who listened to my heart, crying for me even though she didn't know me that well.
They killed my favorite baker.

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