Chap 9 : School's Newspaper

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I didn't know he had this kind of power or a voice because he's kind of a quite person.

I didn't turn to face him, I couldn't. And it was making me frustrated. I don't know why I feel this way.

"I got a stupid dare from these girls here, and now they published my picture on a newspaper. I bet it's that bitch Stacy , I annoyed her this mornin. Why can't you just punis-umm I mean make her shutup" Roni said stammering a little.

Adrian looked collectively calm though.

Adrian's dating her why would he say say something to his girlfriend?

Poor Sebestian didn't read Roni's face and burst out laughing as a hyena, earning a punch from Roni.

Roni was fuming now, she isn't that bad tempered but when she's embarrassed, her temper can flair like wild fire.

Oh boy, I could see her tapping her foot rapidly probably thinking when and how to murder Sebestian.

That guy laughs in serious situations and doesn't read the atmosphere, it's gonna bite him later.

The boys took seat on the table, I mean they have other friends but they sit here with us, weirdly I don't mind but it's rather annoying how little it affects me because I don't really associate myself with alot of people.

Sebestian was busy trying to stifle his laugh, while Em was taking their pictures.

I saw Noah whisper something in Em's ear making her blush.

I swear she has too much blood in her body that makes her cheeks redder than the lipstick of Stacey the "schools cliché cheerleader" .

But they are super cute, I'm happy for her.

Now coming back to the old bickering couple, Sebestian was trying to make Roni's mood better.

"oh come on Ron, you look beautiful in anything even if it's a bright pink dress that looks like barbies barf"

Sebestian said smiling at her.

He's stupid to think he was making her feel better but I could see she was ready to explode any minute now.

I was loving the show and would love to see Sebestian getting punched by Roni again but sadly Em had a to ruin it.

"ok ok Roni no need to go all Hulk mode on us now, we brought you spare clothes" Em said trying to stop the bomb from exploding.

Sadly it was a success, Em took her to the bathroom, afraid she would lash out on a poor freshman.

I was too lazy to go so I stayed behind. I still don't want to interact with Adrian until I sort out why I feel like my heart just got broken.

"So, since you are their best friend we know little about you" Noah said gaining my attention.

And for the first time he wasn't blushing, come to think of it he reacts this way only when Em is here.


I cocked a brow at him slightly tilting my head, motioning him to continue.

"so I heard Roni saying that you already graduated high school than why are you doing your senior year again?? like I would love to have an opportunity like that,to be free from this hell hole"

Noah said without taking a break in between.

Making me look at him baffled.

The rest two seemed curious by it too so I just shrugged and said.

"I was home schooled for 2 years and wanted to have a full on experience a high schooler has, well except for the stupid events on weekends- I mean who does that destroying peoples sleep?"

I spoke shaking my head a little.

"yeah I guess you are right" Naoh said nodding his head in understanding.

"what's your age then, don't tell me you are a young loking women who's in her late twenties, and only comes to high school to manipulate young students"

Sebestian said looking horrified.

Ah this boy sure is dramatic.

Narrowing my eyes, I faked to look around I turned to them. Glancing at each one of them to make it seem more dramatic.

"Oh. My. God I-i mean... How'd you know, ok-K look just don't tell anyone I am not-t doing this intentionally ok? I have my reasons everybody has reasons to do everything j-just don't complain about me to the principal" I said feigning to be scared.

Adrian was looking at me with amusement, and I saw a light tug of his lips upwards.

Again weirdly making me "happy".

But I was still annoyed at him.

Uhh whatever I really need to stop over thinking things.

While Noah and Sebestian slightly chuckled and said.

"yeah we definitely like you"

I smirked and said while flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"who said I needed your approval? "

Making Sebestian snort.

"what's so funny?" I asked while propping my elbows at the table , The girls sure were taking their time.

"nothing nothing" Noah said.

"why did you move here? " Adrian asked surprising me because he was silent all lunch.

The bell rang interrupting us.

I stood up saying.

"Reasons, reasons. It was nice talking to you but don't get your hopes up I'm not always this nice"

I winked at them and walked away towards the bathroom.

But to my surprise I found Em running out of the bathroom frantically looking everywhere.

I caught her by her shoulder. Stopping her and finally getting her attention. Relief seeped in her eyes.

"oh thank god you are here, Roni is in the bathroom-". Em said as if she just told me the most horrible thing in the world.

I laughed lightly and said "yeah well human beings tend to go the bathroom when we have to dispose the waste our body produces -wait unless you think Roni is not a human-".

Em succeeded in shutting me up by clamping her hand to my mouth.

"God you can be so annoying sometimes, you cut me off before I completed my sentence , Har stacy is in there as well and it's not looking good"

What Em told me made my eyes widen also piped my interest-

I heard a scream breaking me from my train of thoughts.

We immediately ran towards the bathroom.

Slamming the door open the sight infront of me was "interesting".
As much as I didnt wanna add cliche I had to cuz if it isn't even a little cliché, is it even a wattpad story then? ;)

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