48:Sleeping Beauty

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(Day 8)

“Hand holding is waiting,
Hugs and kisses are pending,
Along with sweet nothings manifold,
Taking you to cute dates is till overdue,
Everything is waiting for you,
Get well soon and come back to me cupcake.
Love is waiting for us baldy. “I whispered my voice hoarse.

“The time has stopped the day you fell into a black hole cupcake. I want you to wake up and come back to me, come back to me. I promise  to love you even if you get angry at me, throw punches at me. I'll still love you.

I want you to wake up and see my love for you. I want to show it to you in all the ways possible.

I know you can wake up. You are strong as fuck. Stronger than any of us. If I could take all you're pain away I would have.

The day I saw you in the Cafe two years ago was the day you started to slowly get into my heart and now in every direction is you. You really are a true miracle to me. You will always be the brightest star that twinkles in my life.

I hope you hear what I say because when you finally wake up I'm not sure if I'll be able to speak. All I would wanna do is feather you with kisses and take care of you like you deserve.

My sweet cupcake, my heart still beats for you.” I cried, my head in her abdomen.

(day 8)

“The pack is waiting, hopeful for their Luna to wake up. I saw mom in my dreams today cupcake. She looked so happy, dad was with her. Even though I feel my heart empty with her loss, seeing her smile again made the little hope which was starting to fade spark up. Hope that you would wake up.

I wanted to tell you everything, even though you can't listen to me I'll still say it all. Again and again.

Remember the day you saw Stacey kiss me. She didn't cupcake. It felt amazing to see you jealous because I sure am all the time. I knew you were there, how could I not? I can smell your scent from so far away. My senses heighten when you're at the same place as me. Keith gets excited. My heart beats faster and my palms become sweaty. I check myself in the mirror again and again in hopes if you look at me, atleast I'll look good.

The day we were spray painting in the tunnel. I told you I drew the Christmas theme graffiti because of something special. That something special was you. You were gifted to me as present in Christmas. If you remember that's the time we met. I saw an angel walk up on earth. My angel.

God, you are so breathtaking you don't realize it. If you stand a feet away from me, my breath hitches as if I'm getting hiccups.

I sound like a simp but I am.

I'm yours, forever. I want you to know that and you mine.” I smiled pecking her forehead.

“Alpha it's an emergency” Sebastián said slamming the door open his eyes wide as saucers.

“What is it?” I growled.

“Heather” Sebastián spoke amazement coating his face.

“What about Heather seb?” I asked standing up.

“She - she's awake” He almost shouted throwing his hands up.

“WHAT?! send someone to stay with harley. I'll be there. Did someone tell Cameron?” I asked him as he nodded hurriedly.

“Yes, yes now you go” He said as I nodded pecking her lips and going out.

I'll be back cupcake.

Cameron's pov:
“Heather's - awake?” I asked Roni disbelieve coating my face.

She nodded tears streaming down her face, pushing me to the door.

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