Chap 4: Nightmares

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" Hi H!" I greeted her cheerfully, but she just stared at me with such venom in her eyes it made me flinch. Her lips curled up in a snarl.

“You could've stopped it. It should've been you instead if me that day. I HATE YOU!” she spat grabbing my throat.

I looked at her with wide eyes scratching her hands as the air left me suddenly H disappeared and all I saw was blood, in my hands, on the floor pool of blood was all I saw. I saw his face, He was evily smirking at me. His eyes silently taunting me.

“No no n-no go away!"I whispered as my voice cracked but he didn't stop he kept getting closer and closer as my heart beat accelerated.

I shut my eyes and clamped my ears as I heard a ear piercing scream.

It was me who was screaming as his hands touched me. Again-”

Jolting up from my bed I was greeted by tears streaming down my face, my hands were fisted on the sheets and beads of sweat was rolling down my face.

I sighed, looks like the nightmares are back especially after Monday's event which I would prefer to go on later about.

I skipped school for a day.

I don't want people to see my wound. Can't risk that.

I got out of bad immediately regretting it when I felt tearing pain from my abdomen.

" Oh shit!" I cursed when I saw my blood soaking my tshirt.

I ran towards the bathroom, washed the new wound I got last night, disinfecting it, I wrapped bandage around it.

I washed my face, brushed my hair and went to my closet to pick a outfit for today. I felt the complete opposite of what I was feeling yesterday, my mood was already sour, I picked a comfy black outfit which perfect hid my wound.

I wasn't really in the mood to apply makeup or do shit so I just applied a lip balm and mascara and concealed my bruises which I got from the fight

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I wasn't really in the mood to apply makeup or do shit so I just applied a lip balm and mascara and concealed my bruises which I got from the fight. Picking my bag up I slowly stepped down the stairs, the blood loss making me slightly dizzy, my hands gripping tightly on the railing.

After a million fucking years I arrived in the kitchen where mom had made delicious looking pancakes for me, though they were out for business most of the days, she still made breakfast for me which was to die for.

Thank god they are gonna be gone for business affairs because I can't afford to show them my wound.

I just am the source of everyone's worries.

My injury long forgotten I wolf down the panckaes when I heard chuckling from beside me.

I turned towards my side to see that dad was looking at me with humour in his eyes, trying his best not to tease me cause a morning Harley was grumpy, so I rose my eyebrows at him trying to swallow the huge bite.

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