Chap 33: Truth Or Drink

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“Damn he's so cute”
Em murmured eyeing Noah who was playing Frisbee with the guys.

I snickered.

“What's so funny ?”
Em grumbled whipping her head towards me.

I coughed covering up my laugh.

“Nothing just that you are damn smitten!”
I teased making her huff.

“I am so what? Just wait till you except your feelings towards Adrian”
Em smirked making my jaws drop.

How the fuck did she know about my crush?

“Whatever” I dismissed standing up and going towards the sea sports area.

“You guys coming?”
I asked Turning towards Roni and Em who were applying sunscreen. Astrea was napping.

They shook their heads in no.

Well then it's just me.

I whistled, slowly walking, the hot sand beneath my feet making me wanna jump in the ocean.

“Is this free or what?”
I asked the guy who was giving the rides.

He eyed me before smirking.

“For you, it's free”

I smirked inwardly. Atleast I get a free ride.

“Thanks babe”
I spoke getting on the jet behind him.

Bummer I wanted to ride alone.

“So what's your name sweetcheeks?”
The guy asked.

I lied.

“I'm nick. So "Sara" what do you say should I speed it up? ”

Nick asked making me nod.

The sea water glistened under the sun and the cool air making me smile. Ahh I love beaches.

I bent forward a little to put my hand in the water making me slightly loose my balance and tightly hold on to nick.

“Woah, careful there”
He warned.

“Yeah yeah” I waved off.

The water was cool the exact opposite of the sand.

We rode for about fifteen minutes more before getting off.

“Hope to see you again sweetcheeks”
Nick said making my nose scrunch in disgust at the nickname.

He chuckled seeing my reaction.

“Cupcake, come on let's go we are eating lunch” sugar said making me jump.

Jesus where did he come from?

I was about to protest but stopped seeing his face. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were gone hard.

Uh oh someone's angry.

I shrugged following him. Waving a bye to nick.

“I made cookies for you darling”
Astrea spoke sweetly while opening the basket and bringing out COOKIES.

Yessss bitch.

“Thank you”
I beamed taking a piece.

Noah amd Em were sitting together with Em between Noah's legs.

And Roni was sitting beside Sébastien her head on his shoulder.

Sugar was beside me.

“You kids enjoy. I'm gonna go get a long nap”
Astrea spoke while yawning.

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