Chap 8 : Ugly Duckling

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I yawned, stretching my limbs. Shaking Em to wake her up.

"what?" Em asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Roni-outfit-dare-monday" I said in words too lazy to form a whole sentence.

"Oh yeahhhh come on than let's go" Em said while yawning.

We sneakily got up the stairs towards my bedroom trying not to wake Roni up, she is a light sleeper.

I signaled Em to follow me towards my closet.

I started digging behind my clothes, feeling the familiar texture I pulled it out.

Proudly showcasing it to Em who was looking at it with a wide mouth.

A grin tugged her lips as she gave me a thumbs up. She hasn't even seen the outfit but she knows it's from my aunt Sarah.

It was kept in a really dusty and pink box which was basically the whole theme.

Opening the box, I was blinded by the pinkness of the outfit.

It was pinker than barbies house and not to forget it is really not Roni's taste.

She hates pink. Which makes it even better, I'm a great friend.

Em gasped when she saw the outfit.

"Har! This is perfect , let me guess your aunt sara gave this to you isn't it?" she questioned picking up the dress, her nose wrinkling in distaste.

So let's get this straight, I love my aunt but she's too preppy and wears alot of pink when I say pink I mean it.

I nodded already feeling excited.

Suddenly Em hugged me and started squealing.

"I'm so excited , I just imagined how Roni would look in this, I bet it would go all over the school newspaper"Em exclaimed patting the dress putting it back in the box.

I was about to reply her when we heard a gasp.

"No hell to the fucking no, I'm not wearing that piece of shit" Roni said looking  at it with horrified eyes.

There was no sign of sleep in her eyes.

I swear my friends are so over dramatic. Rolling my eyes I tsked.

"now now don't curse so much honey or you would have to put five dollars in the swear jar".

This irritated her further, after a colorful list of words, Roni was in the car, waiting in the parking lot of the school she was admant on not getting out.

Roni's outfit :

Alas, the bell rang so we took each arm of Roni and pushed her out of the car

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Alas, the bell rang so we took each arm of Roni and pushed her out of the car.

The first person who saw her was one of our classmates Audrey, she was burst out laughing so hard, tears were coming out of them.

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