Chap 19 : Marks And Secrets

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“I wanna marry you right now” I declared as soon as I put the godly thing in my mouth.

I could jump of a cliff for whoever invented mac n cheese.

“What did you just say?” sugar(Adrian) whispered.

To be honest he looked at me as If I'd grown two heads.

“I said what you just perfectly heard. I mean if I knew you could cook I would've proposed the day we met. Though you have to promise to make me this divine dish every day ”.

I proclaimed.

I love cheese.

How can it be this amazing.

I guess it's right, the way to a girls heart is through food.

Cameron almost spat the water he was drinking as soon as I told Sugar that.

“OK, not that I mind”.

Adrian replied after a while.

I looked up, finally taking a break.

Because if I continue to devour this heaven I'm afraid I'll choke on it and die.

The seriousness in his voice made my eyes widen.

“Dude I was kidding but not entirely”.
I added.

Cameron faked cough making me turn my attention towards him.

“If you guys are done discussing about your life after marriage, I would like to know my future sister in law”.
Cameron joked while turning himself towards me.

Adrian excused himself as he had a phone call to answer.

“sorry I'm not interested in telling about myself to strangers”.
I uttered while trying to swallow the huge bite.

“aww you wound me sweetheart, well I didn't catch your name? How about we start from there”.
Cameron exclaimed while smirking at me.

Cue the sigh.

I dropped my spoon and turned towards this dildo.

He kind of reminded me of... Never mind.

“well if I remember though I didn't throw it”.
I answered while giving him my most sarcastic smile.

“well throw it now I believe that it's not too late”.
The dumbo suggested.

My baby was getting hungry and he wasnt letting me feed it.

I gave him my meanest glare.

“It's Harley, now let me eat in peace dude”I cried out of frustration.

I don't want to be associated with men.

Well I kinda brought myself in this.

I. Dont. Care.

I wanna eat my food in peace.


I heard Cameron whisper.

His voice so small that it was barely inaudible.

“You don't happen to know a girl named Heather do you?” he murdered while looking intently at me.


How did he know Heather?

Is he- no it can't be.

If he was than he's associated with Roni. Yeah that's not possible.

I guess I dropped my blank face a little.

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