Chap 37: Smile

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"Hey, you're up early today" Em spoke wrapping a blanket around her sitting beside me on the sofa.

"Yeah I had bad dream" I spoke putting my legs on her lap as she throwed the blanket on my legs.

"What about?" Em asked yawning as casted a look at the beautiful sunrise.

"Related to Ryder" I mumbled playing with the corner of her blanket.

"That asshole comes in your dreams too, ugh how much I hate him!should I go beat his ass for you? " em exclaimed pouting angrily. She looked like a cute angry bird.

I inwardly smiled knowing Em didn't question what I saw in the dream.

But then again Heather's words passed through my head. Should I tell them everything?

"Em you don't even know how to punch but it's okay. I'm fine, thank you though" I replied patting her knees.

"Hey! I was trying to help" She gasped fake glaring me.

"And I appreciate it" I retorted snorting at the image of Em fighting in my head.

She can't even kill a fly.

I hope I don't jinx that.

"What you bitches doing this early?" Roni mumbled coming out of the bedroom.

She climbed over the sofa between us, hogging the blanket as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's 9am. It's not that early" I protested as she pulled her kmees up keeping her head on it.

Em tried to straighten her knotty hair. They always look like a birds nest in the morning.

"Yeah 9 AM, that's called early" roni reasoned throwing her head back.

I shook my head as we silently viewed the mesmerizing nature. The sound of waves hitting the shore strangely makes me relax.

"what did you and mom talk about?" Roni asked finally. I know she's been dying to ask that.

I throwed my head back as I laughed.

"You woke up just to ask me that didn't you?" I teased as Em chuckled.

"She did. She just paced around while you guys chit chatted" Em chided in.

Roni huffed snatching Em's blanket.

"alright fine, I did think about it alot. So what did you guys talk about?" Roni muttered with defeat.

I sank back into the couch as I had a small desire to tell them everything, all of a sudden.

"I don't want our moods to be ruined in the morning" I said as they both watched me with calculating eyes.

"Seeing your face this early already ruined it." Roni added making me give her a "are you serious" look.

This bitch and her mouth.

Em stiffled her laugh seeing my annoyed face.

"When do the guy's wake up?" I questioned as em took a picture of the beach.

"Not for two more hours" Roni replied looking back at the clock.

"Okay, I need you guy's to listen to what I'm about to say and please don't interrupt me. Everything I did had a reason" I started as they both turned their bodies facing me.

I closed my eyes trying to take in everything. Am I about to do this? Is this the right thing to do?

"You guy's know about Ryder harassing me once right?" I stated to which they gave me a unsure nod.

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