Chap 14 : Color

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"stop that shit, what the hell are you even listening to?" Adrian said.

I was joyfully singing watermelon sugar by Harry styles when the prick himself turned the volume down.

I glared at him clearly offended.

"It's not shit, its the shit. And you don't know Harry styles that hot extremely dashing man".

I asked while taking a bite of my taco.

He stopped at taco bell when he heard my baby growl.

And he had the audacity to laugh when I reassured it that momma is going to feed her baby soon.

"who the fuck has styles as his last name?" Adrian said while gripping the steering wheel too tight.

(no offense to Harry styles fan)

"you are gonna hurt your baby if you keep that tight grip" I said rolling my eyes.

He gave me a "Are you nuts?" look.

He was confused for a minute then realization dawned on him.

I nodded sympathetically at him, patting his arm as some sauce slipped from my taco.

"Don't worry people make mistakes, but on the bright side your baby is fine" I said with a amused smirk.

His ears were redder than marinda sings lipstick.

"what do you mean - I-i... What"
Adrian asked completely flustered.

"Don't tell me you haven't named your car and taken care of her as if its your baby" I said tsking.

He huffed.

"Alright fine I named her Mel, okay? " Adrian said looking embarrassed nkt meeting my eyes.

"hmm Mel why Mel ?" I asked while keeping my hand on my chin.

I was not at all mocking him.

I knew exactly what he did and he knew that I knew it too.

"uhh I named it after maleficent.. Short for Mel and don't ask me why I names her that I was just drunk and having a younger sister that makes you watch disney movies and shit with her causes all of this." Adrian said while looking annoyed while mumbling more gibberish.

I put my hands up in surrender.

"Alright I wont say anything.. So where are you taking me?" I asked since he wasn't keen on telling me all through the ride.

But it was worth a shot asking it again.

He just shook his head and started driving.

Huffing I stared outside the window.

I. Even. Gave. Him. My. Best. Fucking. Puppy. Eyes.

And thats a rare sight but he just told me I looked constipated but I swear I saw him whisper cute.

After that I just ignored him ofcourse he lured me into talking to him by buying me Taco bell.

And that's how we ended up talking about Mel.

I didn't notice when we arrived at a place that looked like a junk yard.

I looked at Adrian with questioning eyes but he just shrugged and motioned me to follow him.

I am losing my patience and he sure will be my punching bag if he keeps his lips sealed.

If you haven't noticed ladies.. And gentlemen I am not fond of surprises.

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