Chap 44:Alpha Knight

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"Wake up" A voice hissed as I groaned the pain finally stopped last night but I don't think it's gonna last.

"Wake up!" It shouted again as I peered open my eye's to be greeted by Ryders filthy face.

"Get up" He ordered as I put my hand on the cold wall to give me support.

My head hurts.

"Hurry up, let's go" He hissed grabbing my hand again making me sneer at him.

"Don't fucking touch me" I shouted forcing his hands to drop by his side.

I stood up straightening my back despite feeling as if someone throwed bricks at it.

"Bitch, you don't order here" He smirked closing the space between us as my chest heaved up and down.

"You've grown up in these two years baby girl. I'll use the change later" He promised as my body stood rigid.

His eyes scanning my body in a way making me feel disgusting.

His hand creeped up towards my upper thigh as I moved back making him come closer.

His other hand holding my wrists in a bruising grip.

I was still numb from the injection, my feet felt like they weighed a ton.

It was a whole another thing moving them to use them in my defense.

"I said don't touch me" I screamed as he clamped my mouth shut.

His hands on my thighs tightening as black dots appeared in my vision.

No no please god no.

I cried as slapped me my head hitting the cold walls making a sound echo.

"Ryder you can do whatever you like with her later. Boss is waiting for her" Liam blurted opening the door.

Ignoring how ryder tried to rape me again.

It hurt like a bitch, but I can't do anything about it.

I need an escape plan before Ryder has his ways with me.

"Grab one of her arm I'll grab another, she still has a heavy dose in her system" Ryder said as I wobbled on my legs, my vision blurry.

I flinched as Ryder grabbed my forearms, the other by Liam.

I avoided his eye's the whole time he took me dragging to somewhere I have no fucking clue off.

All I know is that this room was much warmer. My knees buckled as they loosened their grip making me fall to the couch.

Both of them tying me to a handcuff on each side in front of a desk.

I kept my head down looking around for a sharp object.

Wait I might have pins in my hair or not. I have no idea if they fell off my hair, I hope not.

Why handcuff me Jesus?

"Scared of you're own prisoner are we" I smirked still not looking up as the smell of cigarettes reached my nose making me scrunch my nose.

Fucking smoker.

"Honestly we are, you could do anything for all we know" A very very familiar voice spoke as my eye's cut up, my head snapping up so fast I was afraid it'll snap.


What the fucking hell is going on? Why are they scared of me?

"Dad-" I sputtered as stood up coming to my side.

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