Chap 3 : Eyes And The Ring

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The ring :
Changing into my fighting clothes (picture given above) I took my bag in which I had the Dark Luna cap Liam gave me, I exited the gym already feeling the adrenaline rushing through me.

I took my car which I bought from the money I recieved from fighting.

I buckled myself in and drove towards the underground, I saw Liam waiting for me in the back as I reached the place

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I buckled myself in and drove towards the underground, I saw Liam waiting for me in the back as I reached the place.

I smirked as an idea popped in my mind.

Parking the car at the far end I quietly stalked behind him.

“Boo” I whispered from behind making Liam jump in the air.

I burst out laughing as he looked at me with wild eyes.

“Not funny at all Har. What if I had a heart attack?!” Liam grumbled.

I side hugged him, patting his cheeks.

“Even then you'll live. You stick to me like a glue”
I teased making him flick my nose.

“I should be offended but I'm not. And you're right, you aren't getting rid of me”He said while tugging my hood on my head as we neared the entrance.

A buff guy was standing there.

“Highschool students aren't aloud”
He said pushing on Liams chest making him scoff in disbelief.

The guard couldn't see me as Liam towered over my figure.

Pushing Liam out of the way I looked up at the guard.

He gulped as his eyes glanced over my attire.

So he knew who I was.

I smirked before tugging Liam with me.

“I'm s-sorry dark L-luna” He stuttered beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

I just shrugged before entering the underground.

The smell of blood and alcohol engulfed me making my lips curl up in distaste.

Don't get me wrong I love to fight but this place isn't what you call hygienic.

"so I got some good news and some bad news which one do you wanna hear first Luna?" Liam said while motioning me to follow him towards the locker room.

I turned back as I felt as if someone was watching me, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I'm shre I felt being watched but I shrugged it off. I often feel paranoid here.

"uuh okay good news first" I said turning my attention on Liam who was snapping his fingers in front of me.

"well than good news is what you get, so the thing is when I got here the announcer told me hunter forfeited"

"what?! Why?" I said, suddenly the gears turning in my head.

"well Roni threatened the poor guy, he almost shitted his pants". Liam said with a amused smile.

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