Chap 40:Sleep

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My fingers nervously played with the grass, my eyes wandering around as the sky darkened.

It's been more then five minutes and still no sign of sugar.

Crunching of leaves made me snap my neck towards my left as a figure emerged from it.

My shoulders relaxed. It's sugar.

“what are you doing here ?!” I asked surprise masking my face as Liam's face came into my view instead of sugar.

Where is sugar ?

“Why there hello!Astrea made me go get you” he replied taking my hand pulling me up.

I huffed looking around. That asshole he told me he'd be here in five minutes.

So much for his promise.

“Come on then everyone's waiting for you, birthday girl” Liam teased tickling my sides as I shoved him.

“Then give me a piggy back ride for this hot birthday girl” I demanded as he gave me mock salute.

My world turned upside down as Liam put me on his shoulder.

“You piece of shit, what am I a potato sack?” I grumbled hitting his legs making him slightly jump.

“Shut up you bitch, be grateful I'm carrying you” He taunted patting my back.

“Thank you, kind ol Liam” I muttered sarcastically making him laugh.

“Glad to be at your service” I sassed my world turning back right.

I put my hand on Liam's chest as my world became dizzy.

“Do that again and I'll kill you” I warned hitting him as he pinched my cheeks giving me a bright smile.

This doofus.

“Oh babe, you won't. You love me too much” He waved me off as I pinched him.

“She won't but we will” A voice said as I heard a gun load.


I looked in front at the figures of Ryder and fin, as fin positioned the gun towards Liam.

“Harley run!” Liam shouted pushing me back as my foot tangled in something.

“No! You're coming with me” I screamed grabbing his arm.

He turned around his eyes wild.

“Go run Har, I'll be fine” He spoke pushing me behind him.

“Bu-” My words died down as Liam jolted his shirt getting soaked in red.

No. God no.

“Liam!” I screamed as he dropped to the ground pushing me back before falling to the ground. His body life less.

My face turned the colour of white. My eyes horrified seeing the dead body of my best friend.

No no no no.

“Liam... Liam wake up” I spoke shaking him as I looked up at the two heartless humans.

My tears spilled as I screamed.

Liam, liam, liam. Wake up.

Call me a bitch I'll be one. Please wake up.

My knees dropped as I sat staring at his body.

My eyes dead. Please kill me.

“What are you waiting for ? You were here to kill me weren't you? Get it over with it then” I screamed as they both watched me amused.

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