Chap 41:Alpha

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Adrian's pov:

“What's wrong with Har?” Roni asked as I paced around in worry.

What if she no longer wants me anymore?

I scared her away, the only thing I was afraid off.

I groaned plopping down on the sofa beside Noah.

“I - I half shifted in front of her and then I told her to wait at the lake until I calmed Keith down but it took me longer then I thought” I spoke massaging my head.

“But she didn't ask you questions?” Sébastien questioned putting his phone down.

Mom came in sitting on my other side as everyone anticipated answers from me.

“No, she didn't and the idiot I am told her about mates, not in detail but yeah. All she did was laugh at me excusing she'll talk tomorrow because she's tired - I'll do that if she doesn't go away” I sighed as Em pursed her lips

“That's not Harley. It's strange” She muttered as I waited her to explain.

“What do you mean?” Noah wondered with a confused look.

“I mean she's a naturally curious person so if she's being her normal self she would be shocked alot but she will bombard you with questions” She replied exchanging looks with Em.

“Plus she totally didn't take us to interrogate about your shifting. She had a weird look on her face as if - as if she was -” Roni chided in as I cut her off.

“As if she saw something horrifying” I completed her sentence as she nodded.

“Liam-liams not here” Mom said her coffee long forgotten as worry etched on her face.

“Mom, what are you talking about?” Roni exclaimed squeezing Sébastiens hand.

“Liam came here when you guys were gone for zip lining. I thought he met you there, I told him you guys would be there” Mom told a new information.

“I never saw him there though. Me and Em were there for a long time” Noah said as we all racked our Brains.

Something feels wrong. I winced as I felt pain.

“What's wrong bro?” Sébastien asked grabbing my arms stopping me from rolling over.

I just shook my head. Nows not the time to feel cramps for gods sake.

“Harley said Liam came to meet her” I added as they all sat there worried about the whole situation.

“If he came to meet here, where is he now?” Noah questioned working his head to solve this shit.

“Liam never came back, I was here. He told me that Roni had told him, we'd be here” Mom said biting her nails.

“But - but he told me he'd be gone for some work” Roni muttered as Em stood up.

“Let me go check up on Har. We'll talk try to get answers from her. You, guys call Mason and Cameron. We need to find Liam” Em said as Roni nodded following her upstairs.

“I'm gonna go check for Liam outside, maybe he's just relaxing there” Mom, mumbled as I tried to protest earning me a glare from her.

“Don't you dare tell me to stay in my place. I need to find why My sweet harley's acting this way!” She fumed as I looked at her in defeat.

“Mason and Cameron are om their way. They have to tell us something and were already on the way apparently” Noah told as raked my fingers through my hair as pain shot through me once again.

“Man, what's up with you?” Sébastien asked handing me a glass of water.

“I have no fucking clue. I keep getting pain in different areas.” I spat as my mind went back to cupcakes tear stained face.

My body turned rigid as I realized a thing I was too stupid to notice before.

“Guys” I cautioned as Noah casted me a worried look.

“I didn't think about it before but I saw smears of red - blood on her hands. I could smell it. I thought she was on her periods but I don't think it's that. Why would her blood be on her hands?” I thought aloud as Sébastien stood up his face pulled up in a frown.

“Did you ask her what it was?” Noah asked calmly as I shook my head.

“No, no I didn't when I came back she was really fidgety and had a strange look on her face amd her - eye's held something.” I stated closing my eye's.

I want to see her smile that's all.

“And you mentioned that Harley saw Liam, did she mention where he was?” Noah began thinking with a clear minded on the other hand Sébastien was pacing around muttering profanities.

And I was feeling really on edge for some reason I felt like puking.

I need to see cupcake. I need to see if she's alright. I can't wait for another day, I want to tell her about us now.

“S-she said she would come back to get him. He likes to take naps in weird places” I answered as the gears turned in his head.

“If Liam is still out there, don't you think the blood was h-” He started as a scream echoed in the house.

We ran up to see Em and Roni bawling their eyes out, looking out of the window.

My heart stopped. No no no.


I ran downstairs, Keith coming to surface as I ran around the backyard towards the window.

My whole world stopped as I saw her body, blood coming out of it.

Fucking no.

She was just there today smiling at me and now lying face flat to the ground.

My head snapped out as I heard her groan.

Oh thank god.

I ran towards her, turning her as she bled in my arms.

A knife near her heart.

“They - h-have her. SAVE HER!” That's what her last words were as my life died in front of me.

My mom died. The last thing I saw was her smile even through the pain.

“I lov-e y-you” She whispered her last words as the life went out her eyes.

Keith came out growling loudly alerting my whole pack as they howled back.

Their luna is dead.

My mom is dead.

And my mates been abducted.

I'll kill them. Keith is out for blood and I am out for blood.

Roni's screams going in the back of my mind as Mason and Cameron rushed towards us.

Ryder will get what he deserves. I'm gonna kill him in the most gruesome way and that's a promise.

It's time to be an Alpha now.
I'm sobbing Astrea is dead. I loved her so much. She was a cool mom and a friend. She felt like a mother figure to Harley.

Stay tuned for more drama!

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