Chap 45:Keith And Hazel

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“What do you want?” I spat as Liam came in my cell sitting opposite me.

After the confrontation with dad, they just left me here to fucking freeze to death.

He stayed silent watching me as I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to guard me from the cold.

It's not even winter and how cold this room is says otherwise.

He put his hands in his pocket taking something out passing it to me.

I eyed him not looking down as he stood up going out, sparing me one last glance as I looked down.

He left a wrapped sandwich with some band-aids?!

Did he add something in the sandwich?

I'm not dumb enough to eat that or maybe I am as I, had an urge to gobble it down as my stomach grumbled.

I bit my nails chewing on them, contemplating if I should eat it or not.

Fuck it, I'm eating it. Not like I'm not harmed enough right now.

I almost sighed at the first bite. God I'm hungry as hell.

The sandwich went into my stomach in seconds as I sighed sitting back.

That'll help me think of something for real now, like getting the hell outta here.

My fingers grazed the band aid, ripping it apart and putting it over my bruises.

They took my handcuffs off so that's solved. Standing up wincing, I searched for windows or anything to make it easier but there aren't any that I can see.

My hands grabbed the handle, my eyes widened as I felt pain, making me drop my hands immediately.

What the fuck is on the handle?

“trying to escape now are you?” Fin smirked opening the door his figure right in front of me as I took a few steps back.

My eye's throwing knifes at him.

“don't worry, I'm here to take you out anyway.” He muttered grabbing my wrists tying a rope around it and blindfolding me.

My body flinched as he put his hands around mine dragging me out.

I think I sprained my ankle or something.

“Walk faster will you! ” Fin grumbled now completely dragging me as I tripped over my feet losing my balance.

That bitch.

I wanna strangle him with this rope.

“Tie one of her legs to the pole” I heard dad order as someone grabbed my legs tying it to a pole.

Am I a fuckin dog?

Fin ripped the blindfold off me as my eye's blinked trying to get it used to the broad day light.

Little shitty fuckers.

“Did you get the wolfsbane?” Daddy dearest asked Liam as he shook his head.

“I couldn't find them, I read about them and their not available here” He answered as I looked at him cautiously.

They may be shitting me, so that I'll be caught off guard.

“Sir” Fin said as dad turned around to him twirling a knife in his hands.

“I found them” He replied as Liam turned rigid.

Ok? So are they found here or not?

“Good job. Liam we'll talk later in my office” He spoke eyeing him.

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