Chap 6: Surprise Visitor

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I heard a few clicks, waking me up from my sweet sweet dreamland. I groaned and snuggled myself closer to the warmth which I assumed was a pillow.

But oh boy! Who would have thought I was so wrong. Blinking my eyes open I came face to face with none other than Adrian fucking Thompson.

Springing out of his hold, I smacked Roni and Em with a pillow who were busy taking our pictures.

Making Adrian pull my arm, tugging me towards him.

He just smiled at me though I could see the amusement in his eyes.

While I was gaping at him with my mouth open as his hands rested on my lower back and other behind my head. My face flushed as Roni and Em started squealing.

I grumbled hiding my face in Adrian's chest.

I wanna stay here forever.

“Aww you guys are goals” Em gushed snapping a poloroid of us before showing it to us.

Dang we look cute.

“Adorable” I heard Adrian mutter as he took the photo from Em's hand.

I looked up at him silently asking to what he was doing.

He just shrugged.

“Can you let go now Adrian?” I asked while taking in his sleeping form with his hair going everywhere,his eyes droopy making him look even more attractive.

“Cupcake, I'm not holding you” His raspy voice startled me as my cheeks burnt in embarrassment.

I scrambled up as Adrian clasped my hand tugging me forwards making my face come downwards to his.

He smiled at me.

Thump- skip-thump.

My heart did it again.

“Don't be embarrassed. If you want me to hold you I have no complaints what so ever” He said seriously but their was amusement lying in his eyes.

I glared at him taking my hand back.

I didn't glance back as roni md Em followed me to the kitchen.

Opening a water bottle I gulped it down as if I had been thirsty since days.

“So- you and my brother huh” Roni asked propping herself on the counter top.

I sighed as his face came in my mind.

I know I'm attracted to him but I can't let anything more happen.

“No nothing is going on between Adrian and me. Never will” I murmured as I tried to untangle my hair.

“Bit you guys are so cute together” Em pouted showing me the pictures she took.

“Amd you both like each other” Roni added as I shaked my head.

“I don't like him nor does he like me. It's been just a week since we've met” I spoke even though my heart was thinking differently then my mind.

“Dude. There is a thing called love at first sight” Roni exasperated flailing her arma dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at her antics.

Yeah love at first sight. What a bullshit.

“As much as you try to deny it Har we know you. And roni knows her brother. I've seen how you looked at him when you guys First met” Em, reasoned.

Shit my staring didn't go unnoticed by miss cupid here.

I groaned walking away.

“Run away all you like but when the day comes when I become your bridesmaid, I'll tell you I told you so” Roni dared as I gave her a wave over my head.

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