Chap 34 : Long Walks And Firsts

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The soft blows of the wind and the waves hitting the shore made me at peace.

Our hands still locked together.

I gazed up at him from the corner of my eyes. His dark hair glistening under the moon light made him more handsome.

His green eyes glancing at our hands, squeezing it making my heart do a somersault.

"Wanna play twenty questions?"
His deep voice asked.

Making a throaty laugh escape me.

He asked looking confused. We stopped slightly closer to the water.

I smiled at him.

"Nothing, it seemed so cliche"
I chuckled.

He mouthed an OH.

I nodded.

"Well you start" I said looking at the water touching my feet making goosebumps arise.

"Hmm what's you're favorite colour?"
He questioned making me reply in an instant.

"Purple. Any type of purple"
I answered.

"What's you're favorite thing to do besides glaring ?"
I asked as he made himself comfortable on the sand.

He took his arm out patting to lie there beside him shooting me a playful glare .oops.

I hesitated before my mind said YOLO.

Well fuck it.

I layed beside him his hand under my head as a soft pillow.

"I like observing people"
He answered thinking for a while.

I looked up at him through my lashes to see him already staring.

"Oh really now do you?"
I asked playfully.

He jabbed a finger in my stomach making me squirm awkwardly.

"You don't believe me.okay well when you are nervous you ball you're fists or when you're excited you bite your lip. And you talk to yourself especially while reading books"
He mumbled checking everyone of my habit with his fingers.

My eye's widened.

Wow. He noticed that.

"If it's you, I do notice"
He replied reading my mind.

There it goes again. It hammered again. My fucking heart.

"Now it's your turn sugar"
I mumbled stirring the subject.

I might just not use any blush anymore because when he's near I don't need it.

"why do you fight in the Ring?"

I switched to my side looking at him.

His hands came to my waist.

If people see us they are gonna think we are a couple.

Not that it sounded bad.

"I remember being fascinated by it when I was little. I used to tell dad that he should teach me but he would always used to say "When the time comes honey"

I mimicked my dad's voice, feeling sad he's not here.

"Then thing's happened making my mind work on it's own and trust me when my mind is not a place to be at its very dark so I used to go to the gym as a distraction. Then Liam taught me more techniques and I became more in love with it"

My lips tugged up remembering Liam and his bossy ways.

"I want to fight against you"
Sugar spoke making me surprised.

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