Chap 39:Keith

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"chocolate ice-cream or chocolate smoothie?" I asked laying on sugars arm as we both looked up at the passing clouds.

He hummed twirling my hair in his fingers occasionally pecking my forehead.

Sugar seems to love touching me im any way even if holding a pinky but there should be some kind of contact.

It's kind of cute to be honest.

We've been here for an hour or so, I forgot to check. After eating all those delicious food I was just relaxing with sugar.

"Chocolate smoothie" He replied as I turned towards him putting my hands on his chest as he took my hair putting it over my shoulder.

"But ice cream is way more better" I gasped flicking his nose.

He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist, hugging me. Half of my body on top of him.

"I wanted to ask you something but promise me you won't get angry and go back?" sugar whispered looking me in the eyes.

I nodded folding my pinky in his.

"Pinky promise" I spoke kissing his fingers.

He smiled his eyes twinkling. My eyes wandered to his black glistening hair, the image of the wolf I drew weeks ago coming to my mind.

What am I even thinking?

"Last week when I came to drop you're phone off, I - I saw Ryder outside -" He uttered as my back stiffened.

I closed my eyes shut rolling on my back not opening them as I felt sugar sigh.

I don't want to talk about him right now.

"Cupcake, you promised. Atleast open those pretty eye's" He pleaded kissing my cheek as his breath hit my face.

I balled my hands into fists as his face flashed in my mind. Please no, not right now.

"Hey, hey you'll hurt yourself" Sugar exclaimed loosening my fists.

I opened my eyes looking down at his hands on mine.

I like him so much it hurts. If I tell him now he'll leave before knowing how I feel.

My eyes watered thinking of sugars retreating figure. My heart was acting so wierd. I have never liked someone like him. The feeling is so different as if I can't breath without him.

A tear dropped as quickly as I wiped it off but it didn't go unnoticed by sugar as he out of nowhere picked me up on his lap so I was facing him.

Grabbing my chin tilting it to meet his lively green eyes.

He didn't speak a word as tears flowed and I never once casted my eyes away from his.

It's as if he knows what I've been storing in for a long time. My body shaked as I hugged him tightly.

I wanted someone since the incident happened but there was no one. Now I do. I have sugar.

I cried as he whispered soothing words in my ear, wiping my tears, not caring if I look like a raccoon or if I was soaking his shirt.

My shoulders slumped in exhaustion after crying so long.

The sun setting in the background as sugar pressed his forehead to mine.

"You feel okay now ?" He asked grabbing my face with both of his hands.

"Yeah, thank you"I said threading my hands in his.

"Wanna swim in the lake?" I questioned standing up.

His forehead furrowed standing up dusting grass of him.

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