Chap 25 : Blood And Past

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Harley's pov :

Trigger warning : violent content ahead.

I smile softly at Liam before closing the door. He was adamant on taking him with me. I only informed him of Ryder visiting me at home once, nothing about the abuse.

I can't risk it.

Bright green eyes came into my mind.

I don't know how I feel this way. It's weird and a new feeling for me but it doesn't make me uncomfortable.

Sugar and I grew a little close after we Pranked Roni and at the place he took me for graffiti.

I shook my head I can't let that happen not now.

The sound of glass shattering made me come out of my thoughts.

My chocolate brown eyes wide in horror casted towards Ryder.

He had glass digging in his skin.

The sadistic smile he gave me made me gulp in fear. I knew that expression too well, My hands reaching for my back pocket.


Shit, where's my phone?

“Come here babe”

His voice sending cold shivers down my spine. I gulped still frozen im terror. That's what I said before no matter how great I am at fighting in front of this man I was weak.

I took a step towards him. His impatient eyes staring at me making me uncomfortable. He took a long stride towards me before moving his mouth near my ear.

My nose scrunched up from the reeky smell of alcohol coming from him.

“I have to give you a punishment after the stunt you pulled right babe?”

His blood shot eyes cold and empty long gone the look of adoration it casted making me want to slap my old naive self.

He got enraged because of my silence, harshly pulling my hair into fists making me whimper in pain.

I wanted to fight back but I know that would be a wrong move.

“Answer me you whore”

He hissed grabbing my Jaws harshly digging his nails in my flesh.

I nodded.

I was thrashed towards the wall making me dizzy. He didn't give time to regain my sight before slamming his knee in my stomach.

I winced in pain. That fucker hit my wound.

Tears brimmed my eyes but I fought them back, never show weakness. He slapped me leaving a imprint on my face. The stinging pain making my eyes water again. Taking a fistful of my hair he dragged me towards the kitchen.

My eyes widened in alarm.

No no He wouldn't.

For the first time pure terror seeped in my whole body seeing the water boiling in the kettle.

I shaked my head.

“Wrong move darling don't ever say fucking NO we just started. I'm gonna have fun with you today”

Ryder spat while harshly turning face towards him.

I pleaded with my eyes making him look pleased. He disgusted me, I spat on his face before kicking him in the knees and punching him with all I got.

I ran up the stairs the beating earlier making my pace slow.

I cursed as I stumbled a little.

My body shook with relief as my room came in sight.

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