Chap 27 : Daughter

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"That will be 20 dollars"

The cashier spoke in monotonous tone.

I gave dad's credit card. Atleast it came in use.

I sat beside Adrian as all chairs were full.

"Thanks babe"

Em spoke with a mouth full of mint ice cream.

I don't know how you eat that. I hate mint.

I pulled my nose in disgust.

"your welcome. Close your mouth Em"

I demanded.

She nodded doing a little happy dance.

She's so cute sometimes.

"Hey, Mila invited us to her house she's hosting a party"

Roni said while licking her ice cream.

"I'm in but who is mila?"

I asked smirking.

Em and Roni smirked back at me. We all were wild at parties.

"You don't no mila bret. Dude she throws dope parties"

Sébastien said while looking surprised.

"Now I know and I haven't been to parties since I moved here"

I replied while biting yes biting my cookie dough ice-cream.

This is heaven.

I looked towards sugar seeing him with vanilla ice cream.

Meh boring.

Not gonna lie vanilla is delicious but it's too plain.

"Why are you only eating that?"

I asked while looking towards him.

"Because I like it cupcake. Don't tell me it's plain, I like it"

Sugar reasoned.

I nodded.


"sooo Harley since you didn't come to school these last days we planned something"

Noah started.

I nodded letting him know I'm listening.

"we are gonna go to the beach for a few days Adrian already booked us a beach house"

He finished while glancing at sugar.

"Before you start making excuses there is paragliding there and jet skiing"

Roni said while twirling a strand of her hair.

My eyes no doubt were gleaming with excitement.

I was shaking in my seat.

"You don't have to do that cupcake if you're scared"

Sugar spoke obviously taking my excited shaking into fear.

I huffed before looking offended.

Does it look like I would be scared of that?

Em laughed out loud at that while Roni snorted.

"Har and scared you got to be joking. She loves these type of things"

Em answered for me I gave sugar a fake glare while crossing my arms.

"Yeah we went on a trip to Thailand. She went to every one of them"

Roni said which made Sébastien mouth shape a Oh.

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