50: Epilogue

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“wakey wakey” Cupcake whispered. A smile lit up my face.

This is like a dream I'm too afraid to wake up from. My life in my arm's, getting to see her pretty face every morning, sleeping beside her and most of all making her smile.

“Let me sleep” I grumbled putting my face in her waist. Hugging her, trapping her from getting out of bed.

“The Alpha has to fulfill some of his duties now. Come on I made you breakfast - well I tried to” She mumbled kissing my forehead.

“More” I mumbled, a laugh emitting from her.

“How cute” She cooed, kissing both of my cheeks.

“I'm not cute, I'm handsome” I mumbled, my eye's hissing at the sunlight.

“Alright my handsome- cute mate ” She teased as I playfully glared at her.

I stood up, flipping her under me. Her eye's widened adorably, I could feel her pulse quicken.

“Is cupcake having dirty thoughts?” I teased nudging my nose in the crook of her neck. She turned rigid, grabbing my forearms in a tight grip.

“N-no why would I?” She laughed nervously, not meeting my eye's.

Ahhh, I love when she's too nervous to look me in the eye.

It makes me satisfied that I have the same effect on her that she has on me.

“Maybe because I'm too hot for you to handle” I grinned making her scoff.

I kissed her jaw slowly, painfully going up her face to her eye's down to her throat. Going down her collarbone. Pecking it lightly, goosebumps arising at my touch.

Her legs tangling up in mine.

“Let's stop here, cupcake or I won't be able to stop” I whispered my eyes soft. The scarlet blush across her cheeks made all dirty thoughts fly away.

“Uh - ye- I mean-” She stuttered trying to form words, flustered.

I grabbed her face in my hands connecting my forehead to hers.

“You know that, I'm gonna wait until your completely ready and when you are I'll make you forget what Ryder did to you. Even if it takes ages for you to ger ready, I'll still be here” I whispered.

Her eye's stayed connected with mine, she silently watched me, my eyes never straying from hers.

“Wha-” She cut me off by connecting her soft, plump lips with mine.

Our worlds connecting in a way, different then ever. Her emotions showing through the kiss. We pulled apart, our breathing uneven.

“Thank you” I panted snuggling into her.

“Why? ” She asked confused, getting my hair away from my eyes.

“for coming into my life” I smiled getting up going into the bathroom.

I looked back, her face in a new shine a smile on her face. I'll always keep that on her. God she looks like an angel just sitting on my bed.

“Wanna join?” I teased her, her body changing into red.

“Adrian!” She shrieked throwing a pillow at the closed door.

I laughed washing my face.

I feel content, Now let's go back to my duties now.

Harley's pov:

I slapped my self, stopping from smiling like a idiot.

My feet padded on the tiles as I ascended down the stairs.

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